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Sozialistische Plattform - Kurswechsel (PS-GdT)

Dokumente der Sozialistischen Plattform - Kurswechsel (PS-GdT). In absteigender Reihenfolge sortiert nach Erstellungs- oder letztem Änderungsdatum.


http://www.icor.info Mehr…

The defense of Rojava by revolutionaries is the order of the day!

The defense of Rojava by revolutionaries is the order of the day!

from MLCP International Bulletin No. 146, 01 December 2014 Mehr…

The battle over Kobanê is of worldwide importance! Long live international solidarity!

The battle over Kobanê is of worldwide importance! Long live international solidarity!

English translation of the main article of the flyer of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) which was issued on the occasion of the nationwide solidarity demonstration for Kobanê (Rojava/Kurdish-Syria) in Duesseldorf, Germany on 11 October 2014. Mehr…

PFLP Calls for Unified Revolutionary Front of Solidarity with the Struggle of People of Kobane against ISIS

For documentation: by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (This statement was first published on the Web site of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on 13 October 2014) Mehr…

20 Jahre unter Feuer! Tausende feiern den 20. Jahrestag der Gründung der MLKP!

20 Jahre unter Feuer! Tausende feiern den 20. Jahrestag der Gründung der MLKP!

MLKP Internationales Bulletin Nr. 145, 1. November 2014 Mehr…


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