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Official ICOR

Official ICOR document sorted by descending order of effective date (date document was originally written)
Country reports to ICOR 4th World Conference

Country reports to ICOR 4th World Conference

ICOR 4th World Conference, October 2021 Read More…

Solidarity with the persecuted comrades in China

Solidarity with the persecuted comrades in China

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by UPML-France, MLGS- Switzerland), October 2021 Read More…

Let's fight EU imperialism and its chauvinism!

Let's fight EU imperialism and its chauvinism!

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by MLPD-Germany, KOL-Luxemburg), October 2021 Read More…

Down with the military coup in Sudan

Down with the military coup in Sudan

ICOR-Resolution, 10 December 2021 Read More…

Statement on the international situation

Statement on the international situation

Contributio to the 4th ICOR World Conference, Organización Apoyante del PCM de ideología MLM (FMIN), Mexico, October 2021 Read More…

Solidarity with the workers of the electric rickshaws in Bangladesh

Solidarity with the workers of the electric rickshaws in Bangladesh

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by SPB-Bangladesh), October 2021 Read More…

We strongly condemn the occupation, annexation and aggression of the Turkish state inside and outside the country!

We strongly condemn the occupation, annexation and aggression of the Turkish state inside and outside the country!

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by MLKP and TKP-ML, Turkey/Kurdistan), October 2021 Read More…

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« October 2024 »