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Official ICOR

Official ICOR document sorted by descending order of effective date (date document was originally written)

New Year's Greetings to ICOR (in various languages)

by various ICOR organizations, in their original languages Read More…

Resolution of the 4th International exchange of experiences of dockworkers in Rotterdam

4th International exchange of experiences of dockworkers in Rotterdam, September 2, 2012 Read More…

Resolution on Nepal

Resolution on Nepal

by the ICOR ICC, 2 November 2012 Read More…

“Biz birlikte harekete geçersek Troika’dan güçlüyüz!”

(in turkish: "Together we're stronger than the troika!") Avrupa Semineri, 14 Kasım günü ülkeleraşırı çapta düzenlenecek genel greve ilişkin bir karar aldı Read More…

"Together we're stronger than the troika!"

Europe Seminar of ICOR Europe and MLPD adopts resolution for the day of the cross-border general strike on 14 November 2012 Read More…

Flyer: Europe Seminar - The EU and the working-class and people's movement in Europe

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Read More…

Flyer: Europe Seminar - The EU and the working-class and people's movement in Europe

Flyer: Europe Seminar - The EU and the working-class and people's movement in Europe

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Read More…

Poster of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Poster of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Read More…

Lessons from Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Lessons from Hiroshima and Nagasaki

(Proposal for a declaration on 6th August), by secretariat of the ICOR ICC, 30 July 2012 Read More…

Statement from Maruti Suzuki Workers Union

an information provided by the ICOR main coordinator Read More…

ICOR/ILPS-campaign extended – now online signatures possible

by ICC - Stefan Engel, Main Coordinator, 23 August 2012 Read More…

Avrupa Semineri: Avrupa Birliği ve Avrupa'da işçi ve halk hareketi (Flyers)

Avrupa Semineri: Avrupa Birliği ve Avrupa'da işçi ve halk hareketi (Flyers)

Ortak Avrupa Semineri 1-2 Kasım 2012'de yapılacaktır (in Turkish: Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012) Read More…

WHAT MUST BE DONE: Conclusions from a fact finding report by TUCI

an information provided by the ICOR main coordinator Read More…

Trade Unions Protest in Kolkata against Lock-out in Maruti

an information provided by the ICOR main coordinator Read More…

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