Documents officiels d'ICOR. Triés par ordre de la date d'origine (date d'écrit ou de la première publication)
(held by Stefan Engel on behalf of the International Preparatory Group, 6 October 2010)
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Introductory speech of ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010
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Decisions of the ICOR Founding Conference (Practical tasks, website, emblem, Joint days of struggle, Literature and culture, adopted formulations, term humankind, use of m-f form, conference migration, agrarian front), 6 October 2010
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Resolutions passed by ICOR founding conference (Ukraine, Iran, Bangladesh, Stuttgart 21, Roma, Haiti, youth resistance, mass struggle against military coups, conference on disappearances), 6 October 2010
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Concluding speech of the presiding committee, 6 October 2010
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Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010
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Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010
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Première conférence régionale de l’initiative commune de partis et organisations révolutionnaires pour la construction d’une « forme d’organisation pour coordonner les tâches dans la construction du parti marxiste-léniniste et la lutte de classes » (ICOR) en Europe.
en décembre 2008
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First regional conference of the joint initiative of revolutionary parties and organizations for building up an "international form of organization for coordinating the tasks in Marxist-Leninist party building and class struggle" (ICOR) in Europe
December 2008
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Stefan Engel, ICOR coordinateur principal provisoire, Juillet 2009
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