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Documents de l'Europe. Triés par date de soumission ou de dernière modification dans l'ordre décroissant.
Millions of People Participate in the First European Day of General Strike

Millions of People Participate in the First European Day of General Strike

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, 14th and 15th November 2012 Lire la suite…

Towards the National Conference of SYRIZA

Towards the National Conference of SYRIZA

by Communist Organization of Greece (KOE), 13 November 2012 Lire la suite…

“You are destroying the country! Leave now!”

[Unofficial report about the general strike and the popular demonstrations of this week; the official statement of KOE will be published as soon as available], 8 November 2012 Lire la suite…

«Tous ensemble nous serons plus forts que la troïka!»

Résolution du Séminaire d'Europe de l'ICOR Europe et du MLPD pour la journée de la grève générale à travers les frontières le 14 novembre 2012! Lire la suite…

Statement of the MLPD on the Struggle of the Steel Workers in Aspropyrgos

Statement of the MLPD on the Struggle of the Steel Workers in Aspropyrgos

by MLPD - Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, 1 August 2012 Lire la suite…

Marikana platin işçileriyle dayanışma

Marikana platin işçileriyle dayanışma

Turkish translation of "solidarity with Lonmin mine workers South Africa" by TIKB, 23 August 2012 Lire la suite…

Greece: a field of conflict and of international balances’ redeployment

Greece: a field of conflict and of international balances’ redeployment

The geopolitical dimensions of the developments in Greece Article by Rudi Rinaldi (published in the weekly “Dromos”, issue Nr 117, 26 May 2012) Lire la suite…

Affiche du Séminaire commun de l'Europe de ICOR et MLPD Allemagne

Affiche du Séminaire commun de l'Europe de ICOR et MLPD Allemagne

Le séminaire de l'Europe aura lieu le 1er et 2ème Novembre Lire la suite…

Affiche du Séminaire commun de l'Europe de ICOR et MLPD Allemagne

Le séminaire de l'Europe aura lieu le 1er et 2ème Novembre Lire la suite…

Flyer of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Lire la suite…

Poster of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Lire la suite…

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