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Parti marxiste-léniniste d’Allemagne (MLPD)

Documents du Parti marxiste-léniniste d’Allemagne (MLPD). Triés par date de soumission ou de dernière modification dans l'ordre décroissant.

Bütün nükleer santralların derhal kapatılması için uluslararası aktif direniş

MLPD- Almanya Marksist-Leninist-Partisi'nin bu Broşürü 4.nisan 2011 tarinde yayınlanmıştır Lire la suite…

The dramatic nuclear catastrophe in Japan calls the imperialist world system into question

Interview with the Chairman of the MLPD, Stefan Engel, 31 March 2011 Lire la suite…

Extraits concernant les questions environnementales

Extraits Stefan Engel L’Aube de la révolution socialiste internationale, Mars 2011 Lire la suite…

Extracts on environment questions

Extracts from S. Engel - Dawn of the International Socialist Revolution, March 2011 Lire la suite…

The battle over Kobanê is of worldwide importance! Long live international solidarity!

The battle over Kobanê is of worldwide importance! Long live international solidarity!

English translation of the main article of the flyer of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) which was issued on the occasion of the nationwide solidarity demonstration for Kobanê (Rojava/Kurdish-Syria) in Duesseldorf, Germany on 11 October 2014. Lire la suite…

Affiche du Séminaire commun de l'Europe de ICOR et MLPD Allemagne

Le séminaire de l'Europe aura lieu le 1er et 2ème Novembre Lire la suite…

Poster of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Lire la suite…

Flyer of the joint Europe Seminar ICOR Europe and MLPD Germany

Joint Europe Seminar will be hold on the 1st and 2nd November 2012 Lire la suite…

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