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La colaboración AKP-EI continua. ¡Terror de detención contra los socialistas!

La colaboración AKP-EI continua. ¡Terror de detención contra los socialistas!

PCML Turquía/Kurdistan, Oficina Internacional, 6 Diciembre 2015 Leer Más

AKP-IS collaboration continues. Detention terror against socialists!

AKP-IS collaboration continues. Detention terror against socialists!

by MLCP Turkey/Kurdistan, International Office, 6 December 2015 Leer Más

Matters from CPI (ML) Red Star (September 2015)

Matters from CPI (ML) Red Star (September 2015)

by CPI (ML) Red Star, 2 October 2015 Leer Más

Against the criminalization of communists in Spain

Against the criminalization of communists in Spain

by Marxist Leninist Party (Reconstrucción Comunista) Spain, 28 June 2015 Leer Más

Solidarity with the Spanish Brigadists

Solidarity with the Spanish Brigadists

by Marxist Leninist Party (Reconstrucción Comunista), 21 July 2015 Leer Más

Persistir en la solidaridad y en las brigadas internacionalista.

Sebastian Liviapoma, Secretario General del PMLP, 24 de julio 2015 Leer Más

The arrested ATIK directors and activists must be released immediately!

by ATİK (European Confederation of Workers from Turkey), AABK (Confederation of Alevi Associations in Europe) AvEG-KON (European Confederation of Oppressed Migrants), ADHK (European Confederation of Democratic Rights), ADEF (European Federation of Democratic Dersim Associations), DİDF (Federation of Democratic Workers Associations), NAV-DEM (Democratic Social Centre of the Kurds in Germany), ÖDA (Freedom and Solidarity Germany) Yaşanacak Dünya/ Devrimci Proletarya (The World to Live /Revolutionary Proletariat), Mala Gelen Kurdistan (People’s House Kurdistan), 13 July 2015 Leer Más


Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) - International Office, 20 July 2015 Leer Más

Massacre in Suruc! Call for International Solidarity

Massacre in Suruc! Call for International Solidarity

by MLCP Turkey/Kurdistan - International Bureau, 20 July 2015 Leer Más

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