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Официальные документы ИКОР. Сортировать по дате оригинала (дата написания или первой публикации документа).

Use of Adopted Formulations in all Founding Documents of the ICOR

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Building an International Literature and Culture Exchange

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Flag and Emblem of the ICOR

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Website of the ICOR

Decision of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Solidarity with the Workers’ Movement in the Ukraine

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Support of the Workers’ Struggles in Iran

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Solidarity with the Garment Workers in Bangladesh

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Solidarity with the Protest against “Stuttgart 21”

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Solidarity with the Roma

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Solidarity with the Resistance of the Youth

Resolution of the ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Closing resolution of the first European conference to build up the ICOR

First regional conference of the joint initiative of revolutionary parties and organizations for building up an "international form of organization for coordinating the tasks in Marxist-Leninist party building and class struggle" (ICOR) in Europe December 2008 Далее

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