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Официальные документы ИКОР. Сортировать по дате оригинала (дата написания или первой публикации документа).

Воззвание к укреплению ICOR

ICOR ICC, Двадцать девятой Август 2011 Далее

Resist threats from Nuclear Weapons and Power Plants

ICOR publishes the ILPS statement on the 66th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings, 5 August 2011 Далее

Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists

by ICOR Asian Continental Committee and PSM (Socialist party of Malaysia), 7 July 2011 Далее

ICOR-Resolution: Fight the NATO war against Libya!

Resolution of the ICOR, 20 March 2011 Далее

قطعنامه های هم بسته گی

Resolutions passed by ICOR founding conference (Ukraine, Iran, Bangladesh, Stuttgart 21, Roma, Haiti, youth resistance, mass struggle against military coups, conference on disappearances), 6 October 2010 Далее

سخنرانی پایانی کمیته هیئت اجرائیه

Concluding speech of the presiding committee, 6 October 2010 Далее

تصمیمات کنفرانس موسس ایکور

Decisions of the ICOR Founding Conference (Practical tasks, website, emblem, Joint days of struggle, Literature and culture, adopted formulations, term humankind, use of m-f form, conference migration, agrarian front), 6 October 2010 Далее

اساسنامه ایکور

Statute of the ICOR, 6 October 2010 Далее

قطعنامه بنیادگذاری ایکور

Founding Resolution of the ICOR, 6 October 2010 Далее

سخنرانی گشایشی تشکیل کنفرانس ICOR

Introductory speech of ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Далее

Statement of the ICOR: Fight the NATO war against Libya!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20 March 2011 Далее

Active Resistance against Imperialist Nuclear Policy!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20 March 2011 Далее

Операции с документом

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