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Antiimperialist and Antifascist United Front

Decision on info stands and their prices

International Miners' Conference, 1st World Congress of the Anti-imperialist United Front Read More…

Modified Schedule of the World Congress of the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist International United Front

Monika Gärtner-Engel, Co-President, Consultative Committee1 of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist united front June 5, 2023 Read More…

Binding registration for international participants

International Miners' Conference, Buchenwald Ceremony, 1st World Congress of the Anti-imperialist United Front, America Meeting Read More…

The Imperialist World System is in a Deep Crisis of Division

Yusuf Köse, Turkey, Contribution to the United Front webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…

(Turkish) Emperyalist dünya sistemi, derin bir paylaşım krizi içindeler

Yusuf Köse, Türkiye, Contribution to the United Front webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…

The Russian Federation is Going Through a Severe Political Crisis

UMU Russia, Contribution to the United Front webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…

Youth Revolt in France

Youth Revolt in France

UPML Union Prolétarienne Marxiste-Léniniste (Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Union), France, Contribution to the United Front webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…



UC Unité Communiste (Communist United ), France, Contribution to the United Front webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…

South African workers can never stress enough the importance of coordinating our struggles

Justice IAC, South Africa, contribution to the united front webinar on 7/30/2023 Read More…

Worldwide together against imperialist wars! Out for the Anti-War Day! News about the world congress of the united front!

Worldwide together against imperialist wars! Out for the Anti-War Day! News about the world congress of the united front!

Statement Internationalist Alliance to the Webinar of the antiimperialist and antifascist United Front, Speaker: Fritz Ullmann Read More…

Imperialist Chaos and War

Abdesselam Adib, Trade union activist from Morocco, Resolution of the United Front Webinar on 30.7.2023 Read More…

Expenses for participation in the First World Congress of the United Front

p.p. Consultative Committee Monika Gärtner-Engel, Co-President Read More…

(Farsi) قوانین کار جبهۀ متحد بین‌المللی ضدامپریالیستی و ضدفاشیستی

اسناد جبهۀ متحد-کنگرۀ جهانی، بازبینی‌شده در مارس 2021 Read More…

(Farsi) فراخوان برای ایجاد جبهۀ متحد بین‌المللی ضدامپریالیستی و ضدفاشیستی

اسناد جبهۀ متحد-کنگرۀ جهانی، متشکل از قطعات مرتبط به‌هم، دسامبر 2019 Read More…

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