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تصمیمات کنفرانس موسس ایکور

Decisions of the ICOR Founding Conference (Practical tasks, website, emblem, Joint days of struggle, Literature and culture, adopted formulations, term humankind, use of m-f form, conference migration, agrarian front), 6 October 2010 Mehr…

اساسنامه ایکور

Statute of the ICOR, 6 October 2010 Mehr…

قطعنامه بنیادگذاری ایکور

Founding Resolution of the ICOR, 6 October 2010 Mehr…

سخنرانی گشایشی تشکیل کنفرانس ICOR

Introductory speech of ICOR Founding Conference, 6 October 2010 Mehr…

گامی مهم دروحدت جنبش جهانی کمونیستی

Big Step on Unifying the International Communist Movement - by Ranjbaran Party Iran, Nov.2010 Mehr…

Erklärung der ICOR: Kampf dem NATO-Krieg gegen Libyen!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20. März 2011 Mehr…

Aktiver Widerstand gegen die imperialistische Atompolitik!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20. März 2011 Mehr…

Statement of the ICOR: Fight the NATO war against Libya!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20 March 2011 Mehr…

Active Resistance against Imperialist Nuclear Policy!

ICOR ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 20 March 2011 Mehr…

Heraus zum internationalen Kampftag für die Befreiung der Frau!

Rundbrief Nr. 7 des ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 23. Februar 2011 Mehr…

Erklärung der ICOR zum Volksaufstand in Tunesien

vom ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 23. Januar 2011 Mehr…


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