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Who to blame for the out-break of corona pandemic!!

from Intlantsi, the publication of the CPSA(M-L), 11 January 2021 Read More…

Current report on the Corona Pandemic and the protests in Morocco

Current report on the Corona Pandemic and the protests in Morocco

MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line, 11/Nov/2020 Read More…

Komsomol celebration of Victory Day on May 9, 2020 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Oleg Kolesnikov Komsomol of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, May 2020 Read More…

Rana Plaza Day Observed

Garment Workers' Trade Union Centre, April 24, 2020 Read More…

Deklarasi ICOR Merespon Pandemi Korona

Deklarasi ICOR Merespon Pandemi Korona

ICOR, 03.04.2020, (Declaration on the Corona Pandemic, in Indonesian) Read More…

Is COVID-19 a "communist disease"?

UCLyon (Communist United Lyon), France, 04/11/2020 Read More…

South Africa

Statement CPSA (ML) South Africa, 2 April 2020 Read More…

On the situation in India

On the situation in India

Statement from CPI-ML Red Star, 2 April 2020 Read More…

Corona hakkında propaganda malzemesi

Bolşevik Parti, (Kuzey Kürdistan - Türkiye), 07.04.20 (Turkish) Read More…

Matters CPI (ML) Red Star

Matters CPI (ML) Red Star

CPI(ML) Red Star, General Secretary KN Ramachandran, New Delhi 5th April 2020 Read More…

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