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You are here: Home / 2023 / Worldwide together against imperialist wars! Out for the Anti-War Day! News about the world congress of the united front!

Worldwide together against imperialist wars! Out for the Anti-War Day! News about the world congress of the united front!

Statement Internationalist Alliance to the Webinar of the antiimperialist and antifascist United Front, Speaker: Fritz Ullmann


Dear friends and comrades,


warm greetings to you all. By now, 41 organisations are members of our alliance. They come from all „walks of protest“, such as environmentalism, the workers‘ movement and also the peace movement.


The bourgeois parties in Germany are moving further and further to the right. They are preparing for war. They have not kept their promises on environmental protection and the social question. Instead, they are pursuing a deeply racist refugee policy aimed solely at the exploitation of people. While skilled workers are poached from all over the world, refugees are to be interned in concentration camps at the EU's external borders. The general secretary of the bourgeois-conservative CDU-party has even called for the right of asylum to be removed from the Constitution. Such developments show how important international unity against imperialism and fascism is.


Under these conditions here in Germany, however, one must not unilaterally interpret high poll results of the fascist AfD to mean that a fifth of Germans wanted fascism. In fact, the relative popularity of the AfD is above all an expression of the rejection of the governing parties in particular and the bourgeois parties in general, to which the AfD tries to sell itself as an alternative. This situation increasingly calls the progressive and revolutionary organisations to the scene and offers opportunities for our alliance.


The danger of a third world war is real. Even though war is hot in Ukraine right now, a world war could also spark from other regions, such as Taiwan. Militarisation is opposed by the will of the masses for peace - the majority of Germans continue to reject participation in the war in Ukraine. However, there is great confusion in the German peace movement - a part of their leaders opens opportunistically to the right or sides with the new imperialist Russia. Most people from the peace movement do not agree with this. The struggle against imperialist war must also be linked to the struggle against environmental destruction, against the shifting of the burden of the crisis onto the masses, against exploitation and poverty and for democratic rights and freedoms.

Just before our 1st joint congress in Germany, we will therefore organise actions throughout Germany on International Anti-War Day, September 1st, together with the New Peace Movement against Fascism and War.


Now is the time: we look forward to welcoming you to Germany for the 1st Congress of the United Front and to discuss the common struggle face to face.


Hail to international solidarity!


Thank you for your time and attention.


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