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You are here: Home / 2023 / We are very pleased to welcome the Union of Maoists of the Urals (UMU) from Russia as a new member of ICOR

We are very pleased to welcome the Union of Maoists of the Urals (UMU) from Russia as a new member of ICOR

ICOR, 11 July 2023

We are very pleased to welcome the Union of Maoists of the Urals (UMU) from Russia as a new member of ICOR. In their application for membership they had written:

„We stand firmly on the positions of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong ideas, the rejection of Soviet revisionism and social imperialism, the rejection of Chinese revisionism and social imperialism, we fight imperialist war and for victory over „our“ Russian imperialism, we stand for proletarian internationalism and international solidarity.“

ICOR supports in solidarity the courageous work of our Russian comrades and hopes that the joint organization of the various groups from Russia in ICOR will help to advance the building of a nationwide revolutionary party.

In their reply, the Russian comrades write that the day of their admission to the ICOR will have a special place in their party calendar and thank them for the confidence placed in them. They write further:

„We will do our utmost not to disappoint anyone and that our joint work with everyone will be the most successful and fruitful. We will make every effort to accelerate the victory of socialism in our country and the success of the international socialist revolution.“

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