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Urgent Call: Freedom for Maryam Abu Daqqa

ICC - International Coordinating Committee, 21 October 2023



The Palestinian comrade and released prisoner, Maryam Abu Daqqa, former member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and leader of the Front, and leading member of the World Conference of Grassroots Women was arrested on Monday 16/10/2023, by the French police.

She was arrested on the instructions of French Interior Minister Darmenian. Together with Prime Minister Macron, he is responsible for the measure that all demonstrations, flags, public discussions in support of the struggle in Palestine are banned in Paris. The action against Ms. Maryam Abu Daqqa thus joins a series of fascistoid measures to suppress and discredit the Palestinian resistance and to protect the Zionist government of Israel, which persistently breaks international law and is currently committing war crimes against the population in Gaza.
Now she is under house arrest and the intention to deport her could put her life in danger.

Maryam Abu Daqqa arrived in France from Gaza last September, for a tour that has taken in several French cities and is due to end on November 10, with the aim of telling the story of her struggle for Palestinian women's issues and the struggle of the Palestinian people.

We condemn these practices of the French state apparatus, which are devastatingly reminiscent of the worst times of the barbaric colonial power of France.

We call on all activists and progressives in France, and on all those who support the Palestinian cause, to mobilize for her release, not to expel her, and to condemn the barbaric and racist actions against Palestinian activists.

Freedom for Maryam
Long live the Palestinian people!
Long live international solidarity!

Monika Gärtner Engel, Main Coordinator; Hatem Laouni, Africa Coordinator and ICC

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