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You are here: Home / 2023 / ISRAEL IS A BARBARIC STATE!


BP NK-T, November 2023


Since June 2007, the Gaza Strip has been under the control of Hamas and the West Bank under the control of Fatah. As a result of the blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip, 2.4 million Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip, which resembles an open-air prison. The Zionist state of Israel knows no rules or limits in its barbarity towards the Palestinians, whom it has expelled, occupied their land and turned their homeland into an open-air prison.

Israel is a terrorist state. Israel itself organises violence and uses it on a large scale against the Palestinians. The Zionists have institutions such as the police, the army, the secret services, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the prisons, etc., which systematically use violence. In the current situation, the Zionist state is waging a war, the highest form of violence, and raining bombs on the people of Gaza. The Zionist state is not against terror and terrorism in general. On the contrary, if terror is understood as violence and the systematic use of violence, it is clear that Israel is one of the most terrorist states in the world today.

Zionist Israel has been raining bombs on the Palestinian population in Gaza since 7 October. Israeli aeroplanes and artillery spew out death. The result of the air and ground bombardment is thousands of dead and tens of thousands of wounded. After more than 75 years of Israeli occupation, the "autonomous" Gaza region of the Palestinian territories is once again under direct military occupation. The people of Gaza are resisting the occupation. The Zionist Israeli army, armed to the teeth with the most modern weapons, attacks, burns and destroys with great firepower. The entire Western imperialist world supports Israel turning Gaza into a bloodbath. Even the calls for a ceasefire are rejected by the Western imperialists. The call for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza was overwhelmingly approved in a vote at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. 120 members voted in favour of the ceasefire call, 14 voted against. 45 countries abstained from voting.

The Zionist rulers of Israel call their war against the Palestinian people in Gaza "Israel's war of self-defence". They declare that the culprit in this war is Hamas, which launched an attack on Israel from Gaza on 7 October! They declare that the war is a war of self-defence against Hamas terrorism! The declared goals of the Zionist state are: to rescue the hostages, to completely destroy the Hamas movement and end its rule over Gaza, to build a new security structure for the Israelis and to hand over responsibility for Gaza to others, perhaps the United Nations or other countries. If these goals are not fully achieved, the Zionists' goal is to destroy and occupy the Gaza Strip.

What the Western imperialists understand by terrorism and democracy are states and national movements that are not under their control. According to the imperialists, the demand of the Palestinian Arab nation, which has been under Israeli occupation for 75 years and is condemned to live like beggars in refugee camps in its own country with the handouts of the international imperialist organisations, for the establishment of its own state and its struggle for it is terrorism! They present elections as a necessity of democracy! However, the non-recognition of the Hamas government, for which the Palestinian people voted by a majority in elections held under the supervision of imperialist and Zionist observers, is legitimate! The name of the massacres committed by Israel and the fascism it practises is democracy. The barbaric war waged to keep a people in captivity is seen as a "defence of democracy against Islamist fascism".

RTE [President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ] considers Israel's massacre in Gaza a war crime! It is true that Israel is committing war crimes. But when it comes to others, the representatives of the Turkish state speak of crimes against humanity and do not hold up a mirror to themselves. RTE should raise and acknowledge the crimes against humanity committed by its own state and only then criticise the others. The Turkish state is using the war in the Middle East as an opportunity to rain bombs on South Kurdistan and Rojava. The barbaric war of the Turkish state against the Kurdish people is no different from the barbaric war of the Zionists.

More than 75 years of Zionist occupation have shown this truth: The Palestinian national question cannot be solved under imperialism! The imperialists cannot solve the Palestinian national question! The Palestinian national question is part of the struggle for national liberation, the struggle for freedom, the struggle for class liberation. The Palestinian national question must be dealt with in the context of this struggle.

A society in which peoples of all nations and nationalities live side by side on an equal basis, in which no nationality is granted special privileges, is only possible under socialism, in which exploitation is abolished and the workers and labourers have the say. The true solution in Palestine is socialism!


Israel is an attack base in the Middle East under the leadership of imperialism, especially US imperialism. The attacks of the Zionist state are attacks against all peoples, especially against the Palestinians. After the Gaza Strip came under the control of Hamas, it has been under constant attack by the Zionist state.

Hamas has been fighting against the Zionist occupying state of Israel for years. Hamas' struggle against the Israeli occupation state has a democratic aspect. The fact that there is a democratic aspect to the struggle against the occupation should not mean that we support Hamas as a whole. Hamas is a fascist, radical Islamist organisation that resorts to terrorist acts. The first thing that comes to mind when we think of terrorism is actions that hit civilian targets without making a distinction between soldiers and civilians, guilty and innocent. Since civilian targets are easier to hit, civilian targets are hit first and foremost, and it is assumed that by attacking civilians, Israel will be pressurised and all Israelis will be targeted in order to bring Israel to its knees. Our solidarity against Israeli oppression is with the Palestinian people.

It is clear that Hamas resorted to acts of terrorism and war crimes in its attack on Israel on 7 October. One of Hamas' first targets was the Supernova festival in a desert in southern Israel, close to the border with the Gaza Strip. Hamas killed hundreds of people, both soldiers and civilians, and took an unknown number of hostages. Hamas' indiscriminate massacre of people it considers Jews is an act of terrorism, regardless of the justification. The indiscriminate shooting of civilians in the street, kidnapping people at a music festival, posting pictures of hostages on social media, posting naked pictures of Israeli soldiers as hostages on social media, threatening to kill hostages, etc. etc. etc. is barbarism/war crimes!

Communists cannot be the defenders of Islamist, anti-Semitic, racist organisations like Hamas whose aim is to establish a religious state. As religious as Hamas is, so is the Zionist state of Israel. The difference is that Israel, as the occupier, is defending an unjust war, while Hamas, as an organisation that opposes the occupation, is defending a just cause.


The establishment of an Islamic Palestinian state is not our goal. A Palestinian state ruled by Hamas etc. is not liberation for the workers and labourers of Palestine. Liberation for the workers of Palestine is a free, united, democratic Palestine under the leadership of the working class. Palestine will advance on the road to socialism through the class struggle. The first condition for a free Palestine is the abolition of the Israeli occupation. To achieve this minimum goal, the alliance of all forces involved in the struggle against the occupation is necessary.

The Bolsheviks of Northern Kurdistan-Turkey stand on the side of the just struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation. Our support in this struggle is not for the radical religious groups, but for the Palestinian people and the communist and revolutionary forces. Today, peoples all over the world are proclaiming their support for the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression. In Israel itself there are demonstrations against the Israeli massacres. All over the world, slogans are being shouted that the Palestinian people are not alone. It is necessary to shout these slogans and carry them further. The Bolsheviks of Northern Kurdistan-Türkiye express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and at the same time fight against anti-Semitism. They oppose the brutal attacks of Zionist Israel and the anti-Semitism that is spread in the name of opposing Zionism. The enemy is not the Jews, but Zionist Israel. The enemy is the imperialist supporters of Zionist Israel, imperialism. The enemy is racism, reaction. The Jewish labourers are not enemies, but friends of the labourers of all nations, religions and denominations.









01 November 2023



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