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Invitation to the Webinar Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist International United Front

Monika Gärtner-Engel, Co-President of the United Front


Dear friends and comrades,


I cordially invite you to the next webinar of the United Front on Sunday, 12 February 2023: "Out for International Women's Day on 8 March!". Out to the 1st World Congress of the United Front on 5-6 September 2023 in Germany!".


Worldwide, the women's movement is fighting against the attack on achievements of the struggle for women's liberation. The struggle against oppression by the anti-women moral police was a trigger for the revolutionary ferment in Iran. Prepare opening statements on current burning global developments as well as on 8 March!


After three years of successful building, we are now on course for our 1st World Congress. We have set ourselves the goal of winning 100 organisations as members of the united front. In the second part of the webinar, we will discuss the planning, recruitment and preparation of the World Congress. You are also welcome to prepare opening statements.


If you would like to give an opening statement, please contact as soon as possible. An opening statement can be five minutes long, after that the speaking time is three minutes. Please send us your messages and, if possible, the texts by 8 February so that the translators can prepare.


Warm greetings and solidarity,

Monika Gärtner-Engel, Co-President of the United Front


Link to the Webinar



  • Mexico City: 7am

  • Bogotá: 8am

  • Berlin, Paris, Tunis: 2pm (14 Uhr)

  • Cape Town: 3pm

  • Moscow: 4pm

  • Delhi: 6:30pm

  • Dhaka: 7pm

  • Beijing: 9pm

  • Sydney: 12am (24 Uhr)




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