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Invitation to the 2nd Zoom Meeting ICOR Women

ICOR main coordinator Monika Gärtner-Engel


Dear comrades


May Day, the international struggle day of the working class, is approaching with flying steps. While immense strike movements flare up, as in France, England and Germany, the capitalist system proves its crisis-riddenness every day.

May Day is the day when we will give an organized declaration of struggle to the oppressors and exploiters of this world.

Revolutionary and working women also play an important role on this significant day of struggle. On Women's Struggle Day, March 8, internationally many thousands of women took to the streets, in some countries they also went on strike to fight for their right to a life without impoverishment, foreign domination and violence. As ICOR women we are represented in all areas of these struggles and take our place in the front line. While the bourgeoisie on the one hand wants to appropriate the women's movement for itself, we represent a revolutionary answer to the question of women's liberation and thus the most progressive part of this movement.

After our successful 1st ICOR online women's meeting in February 2023 a first important step has been made to exchange experiences and to coordinate ourselves. This exchange needs continuity and the preparations of May 1st as women is now on our agenda.

For this we call on all ICOR women to participate in the online meeting of ICOR women on April 23.


We want to address the following questions at this meeting:


What are the determining issues and demands of working women for May Day?

How are women in the different countries mobilized for May Day?

What are the commonalities in the problems and struggles we face internationally?

What can we expect on May Day and what role will it play in the political development of the countries as well as internationally?

We want to discuss these and other questions together, exchange ideas and also come to further resolutions.

We look forward to the participation of all existing and new members.


Greetings in solidarity,

Monika Gärtner-Engel, main coordinator.


Link to the Zoom Meeting



4:30 (Mexico City)

5:30 (Bogotá, Lima)

6:30 (New York)

11:30 (Algier, Tunis)

12:30 (Berlin, Cape Town, Paris)

13:30 (Moscow)

16:00 (Delhi)

16:30 (Dhaka)

20:30 (Sydney)

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