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Decision on info stands and their prices

International Miners' Conference, 1st World Congress of the Anti-imperialist United Front


1. the international participants will have the opportunity to offer and sell their handicrafts in a market of opportunities organized by People to People. The proceeds are usually used for their travel expenses - if they paid for it themselves it goes to them, if partner group or solidarity fund - then to them. No booth fees are charged for these international participants. The 3rd IMC and the UF will provide a tent as big as possible (e.g. 4x10 meters) for this market of possibilities.

2. it is welcomed and made possible that there are sales booths for literature, info material of the participating organizations and booths with mining utensils. These have to be registered via the website with the personal registration. Permission will be given by Andreas for the 3rd IMC and by Monika for the United Front.

Booth fees:

  • Drinks and food will generally be given for a token or deducted from tokens; vendors will only be reimbursed for their documented expenses and will not be reimbursed for their own share from the surplus;

  • Booths for self-funding of the 3rd IMC or United Front Congress deduct their surplus and pay no fees;

  • Professional" stands for literature, souvenirs etc. with cash sales pay 5 Euro per day and per meter.

  • Information stands with small (literature) sales: pay 3 Euros per day and per meter

  • Information stands without sales: pay 2 Euro per day and per meter


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