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A Successful New Year 2023

International Coordination Group (ICG) International Miners Coordination (IMC) December 2022



Dear friends and comrades


We, the International Coordination Group of the International Miners' Coordination, wish you a successful new year 2023.


We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to the 3rd International Miners' Conference 2023 in Thuringia/Germany from 30 August to 3 September 2023.


Especially in these times, where brutal competition is carried out on the backs of the workers, the masses and especially us, the miners and our families, up to the acute danger of a World War III with nuclear weapons, we have to set a sign and push our unification forward and develop it higher. Therefore, register for the III. International Miners' Conference at


If we miners together with our families cooperate internationally and coordinate our struggles, we can become a superior force against the international mining monopolies and their servile governments. And our vision: of a worldwide linked miners' movement, struggling for themselves and their children to put the treasures of the soil, the water and the air into the hands of those who make them accessible by their work. They shall be used for a rich, healthy life in dignity for all people in harmony with nature – without exploitation and oppression."


Here's to a militant and successful 2023 and a

successful III. International Miners' Conference


Andreas Tadysiak

Main Coordinator of the International Miners' Coordination


International Coordination Group (ICG)

International Miners Coordination (IMC)

Office: Schmalhorststraße 1c;

45899 Gelsenkirchen; Germany

Phone: 0049 209 - 36 17 42 32



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