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Happy new Year

Sarath Kumara Fernando Read More…

Looking forward to 2022

Party of Communists USA Read More…

Free the Fujian Six!

This open letter by young Chinese revolutionaries was forwarded to ICOR by one of its member organizations. We publish it for information and distribution., 31 December 2021 Read More…

Party Program (Draft)

Party Program (Draft)

Red Star put forward by the Central Committee of the Party for discussion at all levels in the party, and among party sympathisers and friends, and to be finalized by the 12th Party Congress from 24th to 29th September, 2022) Read More…

(Chinese) 解放福建六人组!

ICOR收到了这封来自一个附属组织的中国青年革命者的公开信。我们将其公布,供参考和传播,2021年12月31日 Read More…

Opportunism as Futile Way Out of the Crises of Bourgeois Society

Opportunism as Futile Way Out of the Crises of Bourgeois Society

Interview with Stefan Engel, head of the editorial team Revolutionärer Weg, on the publication of the book, or Revolutionärer Weg, No. 37, entitled The Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology and of Opportunism Read More…


BOLŞEVİK PARTİZAN (Kuzey Kürdistan/Türkiye) ve TROTZ ALLEDEM (Almanya)’nın ORTAK AÇIKLAMASI, 24 Şubat 2022 Read More…

UMLP AntiWar action reports

UMLP AntiWar action reports

UMLP União Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa (Portuguese Marxist-Leninist Union) (UMLP), 26 February 2022 Read More…

Statement KSRD Ukraine

KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija (Coordination Council of the Workers Class Movement), Ukraine, Feb/22/2022 Read More…

Provoked by Threats of NATO Expansion to Russian Borders, Putin Starts Military Attacks on Ukraine

Provoked by Threats of NATO Expansion to Russian Borders, Putin Starts Military Attacks on Ukraine

KN Ramachandran, General Secretary, CPI(ML) Red Star, New Delhi, 25th February 2022 Read More…

Haydi görevlerimize sarılmaya!

Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye), 1 Mart 2022 Read More…

Introduction statement for the zoom meeting on 6 March 2022

Main Coordinator, United Front Co-President ad Moderator Read More…

Pictures from March 8 in Istanbul

Turkey, Istanbul, March 8, 2022 Read More…

Let's continue to build the international anti-imperialist and anti-fascist united front

Let's continue to build the international anti-imperialist and anti-fascist united front

Statement of the Internationalist Alliance of Germany to the ICOR Web-Meeting, Sunday, March 6th 2022. Speaker: Fritz Ullmann, executive committee of the central coordination group Read More…

Contribution from the Communist Party of Australia to the ICOR Web-Meeting

Nick G., Chairperson, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) Read More…

Let’s Develop The Active Struggle Against Imperialist Aggression!

Let’s Develop The Active Struggle Against Imperialist Aggression!

Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe, Feb/24/2022 Read More…

Statements of the Central Committee of the MLPD on the Ukraine War

Statements of the Central Committee of the MLPD on the Ukraine War

MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany), Central Committee, March 2022 Read More…

Statement on the war in Ukraine

KSRD Ukraine, March 19, 2022 Read More…

(Polish) Oświadczenie w sprawie wojny w Ukrainie

Rada Koordynacyjna Ruchu Klasy Robotniczej w Ukrainie, 19 marca 2022 r. Read More…

Peace in Ukraine! Russia Out! NATO Out!

Peace in Ukraine! Russia Out! NATO Out!

The CPA/ML Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) puplisched the Introduction given by Shirley Winton (MC) at the Melbourne rally on 12 March 2022 Read More…

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