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We Commemorate İbrahim Kaypakkaya on the 49th Anniversary of His Murder!

TKP-ML Central Committee, Statement No: 2022/6, 16 May 2022


We are on the 49th anniversary of the murder of our party's founding leader, Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya, in the Amed dungeon. We commemorate communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya once again in the 50th year of war and struggle of his party, which he is the founder of, and our source of inspiration and strength. We reiterate our commitment and determination to fight for his ideal of the People's Democratic Revolution and the struggle for communism.

The conditions that revealed the communist leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya are not independent of the international and national developments and class struggles at that time. İbrahim Kaypakkaya has been the communist response to this rise in the historical section where the call for bombing the revisionist and bourgeois headquarters of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution carried out in China under the leadership of Chairman Mao swept the world, and the struggle of the peasantry and youth, especially the working class, rose in our geography.

The fact that Kaypakkaya formed the communist face of the 1971-armed revolutionary breakthrough within the Turkish Revolutionary Movement is one of the reasons that makes him "special". The meaning of its being “special” comes from the fact that he was part of struggle of the masses and firmly adheres to the “principle of being revolutionary in practice”. As İbrahim Kaypakkaya took part in the mass struggle and learned from them, he used MLM science as a revolutionary action guide and formed his theory. For this reason, even after half a century, his theses are still valid and his views still shine as a weapon in the hands of the working class and our people, women and youth from various nations, nationalities, beliefs.

This is exactly why our class enemies still fear him. At his grave in a deserted village cemetery in Anatolia, the gendarmerie station continues to persecute the people. They are afraid of his picture. They fiercely attack the banners with his picture, describing the commemoration of him as a crime. Because they can't find anything to compromise on Kaypakkaya. Because, despite the 49th year that has passed, Kaypakkaya continues to be the “representative of revolutionary communism in our geography” and continues to frighten Turkish ruling classes with his clear definition of the class essence and counter-revolutionary reality of Kemalism, his defence of the Kurdish nation as a nation and the Right to Freely Separation.

In the 49 years since the murder of İbrahim Kaypakkaya and on the 50th anniversary of the founding of our party, we have experienced countless defeats and won countless victories in the fight against our class enemies. We can say without hesitation that the flag, which was raised in front of everyone by a limited number of staff under the leadership of İbrahim Kaypakkaya, was never dropped to the ground. It continues to fluctuate depending on the concrete analysis of concrete conditions. This flag continues to fly in the United People's Revolutionary Movement and the Women's United Revolutionary Movement, in the realization and defence of the Rojava Revolution, in the struggle of the working class, peasantry, women and LGBTI+, youth in our geography, and in prisons.

Although 49 years have passed since the murder of Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya, it is clear that he is still "alive" and is right next to us. As a matter of fact, with its 1st Congress, our party has once again confirmed the scientific validity of the theses put forward by İbrahim Kaypakkaya. Our 1st Congress was not satisfied with this, it took an important step by turning the "programmatic views" of Comrade Kaypakkaya into a party program.

Our 1st Congress has analysed the current forms of the class struggle in our region and clearly defined its goals and duties for the future. Our Congress determined the struggle against the oppression and massacres on the oppressed nations and beliefs, the exploitation and oppression of the patriarchal system on women and LGBTI+, and the capitalist system's massacre of nature and the environment as the revolutionary tasks of the moment.

At the same time, she declared the establishment of the Communist Women's Union, saw the deficiencies in the patriarchal system and the women's and LGBTI+ struggle, and took steps of historical importance. With the TİKKO (Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey) Conference and the European Conference, which were organized with the motto of "deepen in the people's war, specialise in the guerrilla style”. Practical steps have been taken to deepen ideologically, become competent in politics and MLM science in order to achieve the revolutionary tasks of the day and win the future.

Today, 49 years after the murder of Comrade Leader, our geography has been turned into a complete hell for the peoples. The people of Turkey have been faced with the most severe economic crisis in the history of the republic. The masses are in great danger of impoverishment, hunger, and misery. Millions of people are unemployed. Femicide against women and LGBT+ continue. Futurelessness is imposed on the youth. The attacks against the Kurdish nation continue at full speed inside and outside the border. The pressure on oppressed beliefs, especially Alevis, continues. However, despite all these attacks, the resistance in every field does not leave the street and the anger accumulates. The actions carried out by the working class since the first months of 2022 are the harbingers of this anger and a new storm.

On the 49th anniversary of his murder, comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya commemorates once again, his "Greetings, I kiss your eyes passionately… I wish you a harder, stronger and more determined fight." Goodbye", we will adhere to his wishes in continue to forward our fight more determined than ever.


İbrahim Kaypakkaya will cherish in our struggle on the 49th Anniversary of His Murder!


We Will be Victorious with the Experience and Accumulation of the 50th Year!


Long live TKP-ML (Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist Leninist) People’s army TİKKO, KKB (Communist Women’s Union) and TMLGB! (The Marxist-Leninist Youth Union of Turkey)


Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!


TKP-ML Central Committee

16 May 2022




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