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The South African Situation

CPSA(M-L) South Africa, 30 May 2022


Workers are fighting for wage increases at various industries, and there are strikes which are still looming at other industries such as Steel and Engineering, which you will get a feed-back when they start. A prolonged strike three month-long at Sibanye-Stillwater mine (producers of Platinum, Gold and Palladium) which is still continuing. Now the Sibanye-Stillwater workers ask for a meeting with the South African President. They demand a monthly wage-increase of R1000 (ca. $64US).

The ArcelorMittal workers settled with their employer through their unions to a 6% wage increase, while their demand was 7%. There is also an ongoing strike by 5000 at the Dairy sector of Clover, and there is a looming strike at Eskom, electricity generator and distributor. The South African Revenue Services are demanding 7% wage increase, the employer offer is 1.4%. The workers are picketing all over the country maintaining to their demand.

The SAFTU (South African Federation of Trade Unions) is planning for a nation-wide strike over poverty.

The situation of the poor people is deteriorating because prices of their basic needs are rising up because of the daily fuel hike.

The poor masses throughout South Africa are marching because of lack of service delivery by municipalities.

In the BCMM region (Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, in Eastern Cape Province) the CPSA(M-L) with general meetings with the communities explaining the danger and the impact of the war on Ukraine by Russia, and we are planning a demonstration. We called a meeting with all political and progressive organizations to discuss the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist United Front and the war in Ukraine - only few attended.

For any development we will send a report.

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