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You are here: Home / 2022 / Statement: „Let us strengthen the revolutionary work among women – ICOR supports the World Women's Conference of Grassroots Women in Tunis in 2022!“

Statement: „Let us strengthen the revolutionary work among women – ICOR supports the World Women's Conference of Grassroots Women in Tunis in 2022!“

ICOR Webinar on 26 February 2022 with 68 participants


In the footsteps of Clara Zetkin: against imperialist war!

We participants from at least 15 countries and four continents, in the tradition of the militant and revolutionary world women's movement, condemn the war against Ukraine started by Russia.


All Russian troops out of Ukraine!

We fight against this action of Russia, as well as against all imperialist powers, including the USA, NATO and the EU.


We stand by Clara Zetkin. „Only when the great majority of women support the slogan 'war on war' out of deep conviction, only then can peace be secured for the peoples …“ [own translation]


We are determined to make 8 March and the World Women's Conference of Grassroots Women from 3 to 10 September 2022 in Tunis/Tunisia a platform of international women's coordination and cooperation against all imperialist wars, for world peace and the end of these wars in liberated societies as under socialism.


We issue a call: Organize days of solidarity with the masses and especially women and children in Ukraine!

Long live international solidarity!

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