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Solidarity Greetings To Larko Workers and their Families

European Coordinators, Jul/26/2022



Larko workers and their families


Dear colleagues,


We send you warm and deeply united solidarity greetings from ICOR Europe – the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations.

We stand with you in the struggle against the closure of the factory! Fight for every job! You are sending an important signal to the government and the capitalists – also internationally – with your march to Athens.

With the foundation of struggle committees in the villages you also show the way how solidarity can be organised in the region and for the whole country.

We have great respect for your consistent struggle against the shifting of the burden of the crisis onto the backs of the labourers.


Together against unemployment and poverty!

No/ Oxi to the factory closure!

Fight together against the right-wing development of the government and EU policy, fight together against their course of crisis and war!

Long live international solidarity!


Warm greetings,


European coordinators


Jeroen Toussaint

Joachim Griesbaum


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