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Revolutionary Mayday Greetings to Fraternal Parties of ICOR

NDMLP Sri Lanka, May 03, 2022



Dear Comrades

Revolutionary Mayday Greetings to Fraternal Parties of ICOR

The New Democratic Marxist Leninist party held its May Day rally and mass meeting at Vavuniya Under the revolutionary motto “Unite, all working classes". The theme was “Unite against the destructive economic structure”.

While the country is facing the trauma of destructive corrupted neo-liberal economic strategy and the failure of the Sinhala chauvinistic, racist Rajapaksa regime, anger against the sick Rajapaksa regime caused mass upheaval and protests by the working class, and toiling oppressed masses. It is an important and revolutionary duty to educate the people and organize them against the fascistic state machinery and corrupt destructive economic policies with imperialist bias. Fraternal mass movements, women liberation movements, and trade unions joined us in our rally and mass meeting.

Northern Regional Secretary of the Party, Comrade K. Selvam presided over the event. General Secretary Comrade S.K. Sentinel, National Organizer Comrade V. Mahendran, other Central Committee members, and comrades from fraternal movements addressed the meeting.

In his speech, the General Secretary stated that "we stand with the upheaval of the people of Sri Lanka. Our duty as Communists is to organize the people and lead them along a revolutionary path to achieve a great political future for our country. We preserve our solidarity with fraternal Marxist Leninist revolutionary parties, the international working class, and the oppressed toiling masses to build proletarian internationalism against imperialism.


May Day Declaration of the New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party

The Party had undertaken the task of explaining to the people on this May Day the causes of the economic crises that severely affect the people, and to expose the role of imperialist and regional hegemonic forces in the crisis. Besides, the Party also gives primacy to urge the importance of an alternative political line for the people and of the path of mass struggle to carry it forward.

Since the introduction of open economy in 1978, by which the country experienced globalization and neo-colonial economic initiatives, imperialism has from time to time used different tactics to sustain itself.

The rallying call of the Party on this May Day is that, in the journey towards the power of the working people, let the entire toiling masses mobilize to establish true democracy and economic justice in the interest of the working people.


May Day Slogans:

·       All working classes unite

·       Organize against IMF debt trap

·       March forward along the path of working class power

·       Empower proletarian internationalism

·       Resist imperialist intervention in the Third World

·       Ensure self-sufficiency in the production economy



S.K. Senthivel

General Secretary, NDMLP


















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