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Representative of the Council of Socialists and Freethinkers-Hamburg for international communication

Hamburg, March 5, 2022


Dear friends and comrades!

The world is sinking more in blood and misery every day. In the imperialist world system, the wars between the imperialist powers and misery of the proletariat are lawful.

Why has the imperialist world system lasted more than one epoch? Why can a handful of people exploit, oppress and ruin the environment of 7 billion other people?

Because they are highly organized. Because they perceived that political power comes from the barrels of guns and because they could and can still confuse us ideologically.

Nowadays, the bourgeois states tend to the right and the big and middle states tend to fascism like USA, Turkey, Iran.

And the flame of wars rises to the sky.

To save humanity and nature, we must fight against it. But as long as we are fragmented and isolated from each other, we cannot fight properly. That is why we need a worldwide anti-fascist, anti-imperialist alliance.

We have to fight for it. I am sure that we can do it with the so important initiative for the international united front against imperialism, fascism and war!




The representative of the Council of Socialists and Freethinkers-Hamburg/Iran for the international communication.

(in the council are mainly Iranian revolutionaries who live in Germany are united)



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