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Progress for the whole society in Kazakhstan at the time of real socialism

MLP Russia, January 26, 2022


Hello dear comrades!
We fully support the resolution on Kazakhstan.
For my part, I would like to mention that I have been to this wonderful republic many times. This is a rich and great country, where the population can live a happy and prosperous life, no worse than in the most developed countries in the world.
But, unfortunately, life is extremely bad. All the wealth is concentrated in the hands of monopolies linked to transnational capital. The country has poverty wages, political powerlessness, all power is concentrated in the hands of a few families connected with Nazarbayev's relatives.
During the years of genuine socialism, the leading modern industries were established here, roads were built, the Baikonur Cosmodrome was constructed, and much more. Unfortunately, all this wealth has now been wiped out. The country lives mainly from the extraction and export of raw materials. The number of skilled workers is decreasing, and the primitivization and archaization of social relations in Kazakh society is deepening.

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