ICOR Webinar – Profile, Future and Further Building of the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist International United Front
Existing translations
- ICOR Webinar – Profil, Zukunft und weiterer Aufbau der anti-imperialistischen und antifaschistischen internationalen Einheitsfront
- ICOR Webinar – Profile, Future and Further Building of the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist International United Front
- ICOR Webinar – Juntos contra la amenaza de una catástrofe medioambiental global y la transmisión de las cargas de la guerra y la crisis
- ICOR Webinaire – Profil, avenir et poursuite de la construction du front uni international anti-impérialiste et antifasciste
- ICOR Webinar – Профиль, будущее и дальнейшее строительство антиимпериалистического и антифашистского международного единого фронта
Dear friends and comrades,
we invite you to our next webinar "Profile, future and further building of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist international united front". It will take place on Sunday, December 11. You can find the link and exact time below. Schedule it and write us your suggestions and thoughts in advance at unitedfrontsecretariat@protonmail.com. As with every webinar, you can sign up for one of the opening statements. You can speak on the world situation, report on activities for Environmental Struggle Day on November 12, Day Against Violence Against Women on November 25, Palestine Solidarity Day on November 26, and speak on continuing to build the united front.
Our webinar, "Together Against the Danger of Global Environmental Catastrophe and the Shifting of the Burden of War and Crisis!" will be available in German. On to the protests against COP27!" on October 9 was exciting and had important results. It was also very successful with over 90 participants from at least 15 countries. Since the United Front does not have its own homepage yet, you can find the opening statements of the webinar on the ICOR homepage (https://www.icor.info).
On behalf of Monika Gärtner-Engel, Co-President of the United Front,
Irmela, ICOR Office
Link to the Webinar
Meeting-ID: 826 3688 8314
Passcode: 143083
Sunday, 11 December 2022 at:
Bogotá, Lima, New York: 8 am
Paris, Tunis: 2 pm (14 Uhr)
Cape Town: 3 pm
Delhi: 6:30 om
Dhaka: 7 pm
Beijing: 9 pm
Sydney: 12 pm
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