ICOR Webinar – Let’s make Hiroshima Day, August 6 an international day of struggle!
ICOR, Come to the webinar on July 24, 2022.
Existing translations
- ICOR Webinar – Machen wir den Hiroshima-Tag, den 6. August zu einem internationalen Kampftag!
- ICOR Webinar – Let’s make Hiroshima Day, August 6 an international day of struggle!
- ICOR Webinar – Hagamos del Día de Hiroshima, el 6 de agosto, una jornada internacional de lucha.
- ICOR Webinaire – Faisons du jour d'Hiroshima, le 6 août, une journée internationale de lutte !
- ICOR Webinar – Давайте сделаем День Хиросимы, 6 августа, международным днем борьбы!
Sunday, July 24 at.
- 7 am: Mexico City, Lima, Bogotá
- 1 pm: Tunis
- 2 pm (2pm): Paris, Berlin, Cape Town
- 3 pm: Moscow, Istanbul
- 5:30 pm: Delhi
- 6 pm: Dhaka
- 10 pm: Sydney
Link to the Webinar
The May 15 webinar of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist International United Front decided to make August 6, Hiroshima Remembrance Day, an international day of struggle against the threat of global nuclear war, for the ban and destruction of all NBC weapons, and against the renaissance and expansion of nuclear power plants.
In our next webinar on July 24, we want to discuss the content of this, prepare the day of action and share our experiences and planned activities.
Monika Gaertner-Engel, co-president of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist United Front will also report on the conversation with ILPS on further cooperation. This will lead to important conclusions for the further building of the united front.
Come to the webinar! Promote it! Propose speakers for the 5-minute introductory segments! The webinar will last at least three hours due to the two agenda items.
Long live international solidarity!
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