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Condolences for comrade José Maria Sison

to the ICOR office (updated as of 22 December 2022)

Tribute to Comrade Jose Maria Sison - From Khan Rano, Bangladesh

 Dear Comrades,
I was deeply shocked when I heard the news about the sad demise of the great revolutionary Jose Maria Sison (Joma). It is a great loss to all the revolutionaries of the world who struggle for the emancipation of toiling and exploited classes and oppressed masses of the world.  He was the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines and NPA. His leadership quality and organizing capability is of very high order. His theoretical contribution to the knowledge of Marxism-Leninism is also immense. He could combine theory and practice in the concrete situation of the Philippines. He was also a great poet for which he earned a very prestigious literary award.
I had the fortune to meet him on several occasions and had been deeply impressed by his charming and attractive personality. I also read some of his books and articles which helped me to understand the international political and economic situation as well as the international communist movement. I visited the Philippines several times and on one occasion I could visit the place from where NPA started its activity. I had the opportunity to meet some of the activists of worker and peasant movements and also some intellectuals there in the Philippines. I found how deeply they respect their leader the great revolutionary Jose Maria Sison. Please convey my condolences to his family and party members. Though he is no longer among us, I am confident that his life and work shall remain alive and inspire the future revolutionaries not only of the Philippines but also of the entire world, Bangladesh included.

In Solidarity
Comradely Yours
Haider Akbar Khan Rano
Adviser, Central Committee
Communist Party of Bangladesh

21 December 2022


Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), NCP(Mashal)

 Dear Comrades,

We are shocked to know that com. Jose Maria Sison has died. He had great revolutionary role in the revolutionary movement of Philippines. In the same time we pay high regards for his contribution in the international revolutionary and anti-imperialist movement. His death is great loss to the whole international communist and revolutionary movement.

Please convey our revolutionary condolence to the Communist Party and comrades of Philippines.

 Revolutionary Greetings

MB Singh

21 December 2022


New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party (NDMLP) / Sri Lanka

Tribute of the NDMLP to Comrade Jose Maria Sison

The New Democratic Marxist  Leninist Party (NDPML), Sri Lanka declares with profound sorrow its highest revolutionary regards for Comrade Jose Maria Sison who led and guided the Philippine revolution as founding chairman of Communist Party of the Philippines, founder of the New People’s Army and pioneer of the People’s Democratic Government in the Philippines. The NDMLP considers Comrade Sison among the greatest Marxist Leninist thinkers of our time, and notes with pride that his continued guidance of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the revolutionary armed struggle and the democratic movement of the Philippines from exile in the Netherlands since 1987, where he was forced into exile by the reactionary pro-imperialist regime of the Philippines.

The NDMLP pays its Revolutionary Red Salute to Comrade Jose Maria Sison for his unmatched relentless leadership of the struggle for the liberation of his people and his role as a steadfast campaigner for the global anti-imperialist cause.

SK Senthivel

General Secretary, NDMLP

17th December 2022


Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Kurdistan (MLKP)

Dear comrades,

It is with deep sadness that we learned that Comrade Jose Maria Sison passed away at the age of 83. Until his last breath, he lived a life worth remembering every second in our revolutionary struggle.

We express our sorrow to the Filipino proletariat and working people for the loss of their teacher and communist leader.

We sent our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and comrades of Joma Sison in Communist Party of the Philippines, People’s Liberation Army, National Democratic Front, International League of Peoples’ Struggles and all organizations walking on the same long path with him.

Please convey our warm greetings to Ka Julie. It is a great honor for each of us to share times and ideas with Ka JoMa during all the historical changes in imperialist capitalism.

His internationalist efforts and clear visions about how to fight against a fascist state by using all means and methods of political struggle in different fronts will always be remembered in our struggle.

Ka Joma is Immortal! His exemplary revolutionary life will shine on our path to revolution in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East!

With revolutionary greetings,

International Bureau of MLKP

18 December 2022


Portuguese Marxist-Leninist Union (UMLP)

 As UMLP (Portuguese Marxist-Leninist Union), we express our deepest grief at the loss of Comrade Jose Maria Sison, Ka JoMa, tireless Revolutionary and defender of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-Tung Thought. We shall always take his great revolutionary example of commitment to the cause of liberation of the working people and all the oppressed, for the future of humanity, for communism.

 Comrade Sison dedicated his life to the Filipino and world Proletariat, helping to found the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People's Army, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) and so many more proletarian organizations. He was a pioneer in the anti-revisionist struggle and for all said before he was repressed and imprisoned by the fascist Philippine state. Even as a political refugee in the Netherlands, he continued to serve the internationalist ideals of Marxism-Leninism, fighting for the Socialist Revolution in the Philippines and the World.

 The sudden and unexpected death of the Filipino Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary, Ka JoMa, has shocked us all, but his great internationalist revolutionary spirit demands that we overcome the shock and carry forward the tasks for which he dedicated his entire life. This will be the greatest tribute to him, anywhere in the world.

 May the earth be light to you Comrade. Long live Proletarian Internationalism!

Red Salute Comrade JoMa! Honour to Comrade JoMa!

 With Revolucionary greetings,

UMLP (União Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa) (Portuguese Marxist-Leninist Union)


Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)

Respected Proletarian Revolutionary Comrade Jose Maria Sison Dies.

The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) joins with the entire international proletarian revolutionary movement in expressing our sadness at the passing of Comrade Jose Maria Sison, founding Chairperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Comrade Sison died on Friday night at the age of 83 after a two-week confinement in a hospital in the Netherlands, where he had been living in forced exile from his own country.  His death came after a life of inspiring revolutionary service to the people.

On December 26, 1968, Joma and his comrades founded the Communist Party of the Philippines in opposition to the revisionist Lava clique which had thrown in its lot with the revisionist leadership of the Soviet Union.

The new Party, founded on the birthday of Comrade Mao Zedong, committed itself to applying the teachings of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought to the circumstances prevailing in the Philippines.

Using the pseudonym Amado Guerrero, in October 1969 Joma published the ground-breaking manifesto Philippine Society and Revolution on which the activities of the Party, the National Democratic Front and the New People’s Army were based. The NPA has led the longest-running and very successful People’s War under Comrade Sison’s ideological and political leadership.

In 2001, Joma established the International League of People’s Struggles (ILPS) to coordinate and support the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles of the world’s peoples. In 2020 Comrade Sison resigned as Chairperson of the ILPS although he continued to provide great ideological leadership as immediate past Chairperson.

The CPA (M-L) has confidence that the people of the Philippines will turn grief into strength and score new victories guided by the enduring legacy and inspiration of Comrade Jose Maria Sison.

Central Committee
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
17 December 202


Russian Maoist Party (RMP)

19 December

Dear comrades,

On behalf of Russian Maoist Party (RMP) we would like to offer our condolences on passing away of comrade Joma Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The importance of com. Sison cannot be overestimated. He was a key person in re-establishing of the CPP and launching the people's war in the Philippines in 1960s. Despite suffering torture and spending many years in prison, the will of Sison and his shrewd mind were not broken and after his release he re-joined the revolutionary movement and played again a key role in the rectification movement in the CPP in 1990s which saved the communist movement from revisionism and subsequent liquidation.

The theoretical contributions of com. Sison to the theory of MLM are many. Sison gave an excellent example of applying Marxism to concrete conditions of the Philippines in his book "The Philippine society and revolution". Com. Sison always stressed the importance of mass line and united front as key tools of the revolutionary party in achieving unity with broad masses of the people. The firm stand of com. Sison against revisionism helped the genuine communists to reorganise themselves twice, in 1960s and 1990s. And last but not least, com. Sison was among those who formulated MLM as a new stage in developing of Marxism in 1980s.

The continuous Philippine revolution and teachings of com. Sison serve as an example and inspiration to us, Russian communists, who are trying to rebuild the revolutionary movement from the ashes, and to genuine communists and revolutionaries throughout the world.


Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist-Leninist (TKP-ML)


Ka Joma's Immortal Revolutionary Spirit Will Live On!

It is with deep sadness that we learnt that Jose Maria Sison, the founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away at the age of 83 after a two-week stay in a hospital in Utrech, Netherlands.

We are saddened to have lost a great revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist leader, internationalist and close friend of our party.

Jose Maria Sison (Ka Joma) was undoubtedly one of the great revolutionaries of the past century. For this reason, he was targeted by the fascist Philippines state. He suffered imprisonment. Finally, as a political refugee, he continued to produce in exile conditions, to serve the revolution in the Philippines and the world revolution.

We express our sorrow to the Filipino proletariat and labouring people for the loss of their teacher and communist leader. We offer our deep condolences from the proletariat and people of Turkey.

Ka Joma's immortal revolutionary spirit will live on in our international struggle!

Ka Joma is Immortal!

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

 Communist Party of Turkey – Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML)

International Bureau

17 December 2022


Patriotic Peoples Republican Front of Nepal (PPRF)

 Dear Comrade,

 It is a matter of sorrow to know that comrade Jose Maria Sison (83), the founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, passed away last Friday at 8:40 pm Philippine time after a two-week-long confinement in a hospital in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He had been leading the new democratic revolution in the Philippines since the foundation of the CPP in 1968. He has made a significant contribution to the development of the world communist movement as well as the anti-imperialist movement.

 Not only the communist movement of the Philippines but also the world communist movement lost a revolutionary communist leader with his demise. It is an irreparable loss for the world communist movement. Our party extends strong solidarity to the Communist Party of the Philippines, the proletariat, and the oppressed Philippino people in their struggle to overcome this loss.

 Our party pays heartfelt tribute to Comrade Sison, extends sincere empathy and condolences to the Central Committee of the CPP, the proletariat and the oppressed people of the Philippines, his family members, and relatives, and at the same time urges them to keep patient at this hour of grief.

 Pari Thapa

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Patriotic People’s Republican Front of Nepal.

Kathmandu: December 20, 2022.


NDFP / Philippinen

 Statement of the NDFP National Council on the passing of beloved Comrade Jose Maria “Ka Joma” Sison


The National Democratic Front of the Philippines National Council renders its highest tribute and salute to Comrade Jose Maria “Joma” Sison – great proletarian internationalist, patriot, communist, revolutionary leader, teacher and poet, who passed away after a lingering illness December 16, 2022 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

As Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), Ka Joma led in the establishment of the NDFP on April 24, 1973, and in further building the broad national united front by inspiring the basic sectors of peasants, workers, students, women, indigenous people, church people and professionals to form their own revolutionary mass organizations and become members of the NDFP. Together with the CPP, the New People’s Army, and Ka Joma’s leadership, the NDFP has been able to help advance the people’s democratic revolution, and build the people’s organs of political power.

The NDFP-NC will forever cherish Ka Joma’s wisdom, guidance and inspiration in revolutionary united front work, and vow to build and further strengthen the People’s Democratic Government until the total seizure of political power and finally establish the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of the Philippines.

We vow to remain steadfast and uncompromising in firmly pursuing the armed revolution to free the Filipino toiling masses from the shackles of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

We send and express our deepest condolences to his wife, Comrade Julie de Lima, his children, grandchildren, friends and close comrades.

Ka Joma Lives!

Advance the People’s War to Achieve National Freedom and Democracy!
Victory to the People’s Democratic Revolution!
Long Live the People’s United Front!
Long Live International Solidarity!

In behalf of the NDFP National Council,

Luis Jalandoni
Member, NDFP National Council
NDFP Chief International Representative


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