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You are here: Home / 2022 / All together – Oloi mazi – Syntagma square, here we come. Let's make the 27.7.22 the OXI! Day. No Larko worker in Greece must be fired! No Si Cobas Kolege in Italy must remain politically persecuted, oppressed and arrested!

All together – Oloi mazi – Syntagma square, here we come. Let's make the 27.7.22 the OXI! Day. No Larko worker in Greece must be fired! No Si Cobas Kolege in Italy must remain politically persecuted, oppressed and arrested!

Resolution of the webinar of the anti-imperialist and anti-fascist United Front "Fight against nuclear death" with 95 participants from 20 countries on July 24, 2022:


Larymna is on fire with rage. Cold-blooded and criminal, Larko, the nickel-iron manufacturer wants to lay off the entire workforce. The workers from the entire region in the northern Gulf of Euboea are to be displaced and lose their houses and apartments. Until now, 50% of the mine belonged to the state, but now it is to be completely privatized. These are still the consequences of the extortionate Troika agreements. The company plans, if new hires, then only with monthly or two-month contracts.

Throughout Greece, the poor working conditions at Larko are notorious.

But just as well known and appreciated is the fighting strength of the Larko workforce. Already 40 years ago they led a successful strike, for 110 days. They developed forms of struggle of class solidarity and common struggle of all living in the region, from school children , to women, farmers, craftsmen.

The experience continues to this day. Already in February 2022, the outraged Larco workers and their impressive women's committee marched to Athens.

They will do so again now, on July 27. Struggle committees have been formed in the villages around Larymna, unions are joining forces, international contacts have deepened. They are in close contact with the Si Cobas workers from Italy, who are being massively persecuted by the state apparatus because of their struggles against the war in Ukraine.


The attack on the Larko workers is intended to hit a workforce with fighting experience. Faced with insane inflation, poverty, corruption, disasters with forest fires, many Athenians will join them. They will also be strengthened by the courageous steelworkers of Aspropirgos. In the struggle against the closure of their plant 10 years ago, they were a pioneer and pace-setter of a plant - and transnational struggle structure and have set important signs.

We stand by the Larco colleagues. Let's make the 27.7.22 the OXI! Day . We call for small actions with protest signs and actions everywhere in the world, in your factories, in neighborhoods, unions, etc. . Use the day also to support the SI Cobas colleagues from Italy, who are now massively persecuted by the state apparatus because of their struggle actions.

No Larko worker in Greece should be fired!

No Si Cobas colleague in Italy must remain politically persecuted, repressed and arrested!


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Long live the international solidarity of workers! Proletarians of all countries, unite!



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