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6 August and Solidarity action for Si Cobas arrested comrades

UMLP Action Report, Portugal



On 27/07/2022 UMLP comrades went to the streets of Porto city and another smaller city for a mass distribution of an UMLP Resolution “Imperialists on a War Course: Intensifying Attacks on the Working Class We Demand the Immediate Release of the Strike Leaders Arrested in Piacenza/Italy!” in Solidarity with Si Cobas arrested comrades. The resolution was also added to our website and sent to all our contacts in Portugal.

The keywords were: “Free Aldo, Arafat, Carlo and Bruno immediately! Long live International Solidarity! Long live Proletarian Internationalism!”


On 6 August, we couldn’t meet the streets with our own Resolution “World Resistance against the danger of a Third World War! Hiroshima warns us: Let us fight nuclear death!” regarding the danger of a Nuclear III World War, but we published it on our Website and sent to all contacts. Although the Resolution was made for 6 August we are gathering forces to take it to the streets, as soon as possible, as this is a very important moment to fight for the United Front against imperialism and its threats of a nuclear death.

The keywords were: “Fight for the prohibition and destruction of all Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons! Worldwide Resistance against the danger of a Third Nuclear World War! For the Construction of the International Anti-imperialist and Antifascist Front! Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples - unite!”

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