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12th Congress of CPI (ML) Red Star Calls for All Out Offensive Against RSS Fascism

Press release, PJ James, General Secretary, CPI (ML) Red Star, Kozhikode, October 1, 2022


The 12th Congress of CPI (ML) Red Star held at Shivaram-Sharmishta Hall (SK Pottekad Hall) from September 24 to 29 concluded with a call to resist and defeat RSS neo-fascism.  The Congress attended by around 300 delegates and observers from 16 states, following intense discussion, adopted the updated Party Program and Path of Revolution along with amendments to Party Constitution, Political Organisational Report and Political Resolution.  The 34-member Central Committee and the 3-member Central Control Commission unanimously elected by the Congress respectively elected PJ James as General Secretary of the Party and Adv. Sabi Joseph as Convener of the Central Control Commission.
 The Party Congress decided to take up the urgent task of building up the broadest anti-fascist front against the neo-fascism of RSS, the biggest and longest running fascist organization in the world. While joining with all anti-fascist forces in this task, the Party Congress also decided to uphold the communists' duty to uphold the ideological independence of the working class and all oppressed in the fight against neoliberal-corporatisation. The inhuman caste system based on Manusmriti being the ideological basis of RSS fascism, the Party Congress unanimously resolved  that members of the Central Committee shall give up all caste surnames.  Related to this, the Congress also called for uncompromising fight to end all forms of gender discrimination and advance towards gender equality.
Even as CPI(ML) Red Star's position on religious-communal organisations is explicit, the Congress has resolutely condemned the Modi regime's ongoing move in selectively targeting and banning Muslim organizations which is in line with the cultural nationalism of the RSS that identifies Muslims as it's enemy number one enemy since it's very inception. The Party  Congress also stressed the extreme significance of resisting the ever-mounting  corporate encroachment on nature which is now leading to an environmental catastrophe making the very survival of all living beings unsustainable.
Together with the primary task of building up the Party organisation, the Congress decided to strive for achieving unity among communist revolutionary organisations in the country.  Being a constituent of ICOR, the Party has decided to strengthen ICOR's (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations) efforts to build up an Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Fascist United United Front at the international level against imperialism and neofascism. 
 And the Party Congress has resolved to integrate Party's strategic task of advancing towards people's democracy and socialism with  the immediate task of resisting and defeating the far-right neoliberal policies of the corporate -saffron fascist regime that have led to horrific levels of wealth appropriation by a tiny group of Adani-Ambani like big corporates on the one hand, while transforming India into a citadel of "absolute" or  "extreme" poverty  coupled with unprecedented unemployment and sky-rocketing prices making the very sustenance of people impossible. 
CPI ((ML) Red Star extends its revolutionary greetings to all the working and oppressed people and progressive democratic sections who wholeheartedly supported to make the 12th Party Congress a success! 
PJ James, General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star

 Kozhikode,  October 1, 2022

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