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We support the independence of Western Sahara from colonialism

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by CKP-Kenya, UMLP-Portugal and PPDS-Tunisia), October 2021


The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) also known as Western Sahara remains Africa’s last colony, after being colonised first by Spain, and thereafter until now by the Kingdom of Morocco. The Country is bordered by Morocco to the North, Mauritania to the south and east, and Algeria to the west. Like most of the other African countries that were partitioned and colonised by European powers, Western Sahara was at the onset of the 20th century colonised by Spain, and was known as Spanish Sahara. Western Sahara has since 1963 being on UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, whose peoples at that time were subjected to colonial and foreign domination. In 1973, the POLISARIO Front was formed and it waged an armed struggle against the Spanish colonialists, who were forced to accept to organise a referendum for independence in 1975.

However, before the referendum could happen, Morocco invaded Western Sahara, and claimed it as part of the greater Morocco Kingdom. Mauritania also invaded the Country and laid claims to it. The matter was taken up by the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU), and in 1981 it was resolved that a referendum would to determine the independence of Western Sahara. Even though the King Hassan II of Morocco had agreed to the referendum, he eventually retreated from his position, and withdrew the Kingdom of from the OAU. Mauritania withdrew its claim to Western Sahara, and Western Sahara was thereafter admitted as a full member of the OAU, with POLISARIO Front as its representatives.

The POLISARIO Front continued fighting an anti-colonial war against the Kingdom of Morocco, until 1991 where a ceasefire was announced by both parties under the auspices of the United Nations, under the condition that the long awaited referendum would be finally be held. The Kingdom of Morocco has however used all methods to forestall the referendum, including working with the United States of America and France, who hold veto power in the UN, to prevent the actualisation of the referendum. Meanwhile, Morocco continues to benefit from the Saharawi natural resources, which it trades with corporations from imperialist countries.

In 2017, the Kingdom of Morocco re-joined the African Union which meant tacit recognition of Western Sahara as a Republic since Western Sahara is recognised as such in the African Union, and has embassies in many countries across the Continent.

The Kingdom of Morocco still maintains its 2700 km long Wall of Shame, which has over 7 million anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines, which continues to kill and maim hundreds of Saharawi people on both sides of the wall. Morocco also continues to violently suppress any popular demands for self-determination that are being waged particularly by the youth and women of Western Sahara.

In 2019, the Kingdom of Morocco violated the 1991 ceasefire agreement with Western Sahara, and Western Sahara retaliated militarily therefore bringing a resumption of war between the two countries.

Under the present era of reaction dominated by imperialism and neoliberalism that has created special problems and difficulties to the POLISARIO Front and the patriotic and progressive forces leading the struggle for the liberation of Western Sahara, the world revolutionary parties, movements and organisations should revamp their support for the progressive forces struggling against Morocco colonialism.

The peoples of Western Sahara have a right to self-determination, and the 4th ICOR World Conference supports the struggle of the Saharawi peoples against colonialism.

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