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You are here: Home / 2021 / We strongly condemn the occupation, annexation and aggression of the Turkish state inside and outside the country!

We strongly condemn the occupation, annexation and aggression of the Turkish state inside and outside the country!

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by MLKP and TKP-ML, Turkey/Kurdistan), October 2021


The Turkish state is been ruled by the fascist racist AKP and its leader Tayyip Erdoğan since 2002. He is implementing an aggressive policy with its occupation and annexation culture formed as the Ottoman Empire, with the profits of the class, which it is representing and with its racist, chauvinist mentality. Syria is partly under occupation. Erdoğan is eager to destroy the Rojava Revolution and annihilate North-East Syria. Afrin is under occupation. Serêkaniyê, where Kurds, Arabs and other people live, is also occupied. Jihadist gangs are settled in Idlib and settled in Afrin.


Turkey is one of the organizers of the civil war in Libya. With its official army, it sent logistic aid and financed paramilitary gangs. It's military forces are present in many countries such as, Balkans, Afghanistan, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria etc. In its war against the Kurdish national liberation movement the Turkish army is using chemical weapons, which are banned worldwide.


There is an ongoing war in North-Kurdistan for more than 40 years. The Turkish state is attacking the masses and the opponents systematically which are defending the revolutionary movements and the Kurdish national movements. It is attempted to ban the HDP, which is the third biggest party in the parliament and was founded by socialist, revolutionary, democratic organizations together with the Kurdish national democratic movement. Both former chairpersons, around ten parliamentarians and many members of HDP are imprisoned and most of the mayors are replaced by forced trustees and have been arrested. Both chairpersons and many board members are being held as a hostage without legitimate legal processes. There are also many thousand political prisoners from the Kurdish and socialist movements. The operations and arrests are still continuing. The fascist aggression against the resistances of the workers, the Kurdish people, the students with democratic demands, peasants who defend their water and soil, struggles of the women masses and LGBTQI+ is going on.


The working class and laborers, the Kurdish nation, all national communities, women, youth, socialist movements, progressive and revolutionary forces are all resisting against the fascist terror. Revolutionary parties and organizations suffered great losses. The democratic rights and positions, which were gained with resistance, are under attack of the political Islamists and the racist fascist terror. Antifascist forces are fighting dedicatedly despite all risks and pay the costs. This is a necessity of class struggle. We condemn the Turkish aggression with its imperialistic intentions. We salute the fighters against the racist, political Islamist, fascist dictator and we will continue the solidarity with the resisting forces in any way.

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