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Uruguay - International Women's Day

The comrades of PCR-U (Revolutionary Communist Party of Uruguay) report


The 8M in Uruguay for several years had been mobilizing up to 300,000 people along 18 de Julio Avenue in downtown Montevideo, plus mobilizations throughout the country.

Because of the Covid-19 this year that great march where all the women's organizations were united could not take place.

Hundreds of demonstrations were held all over the country and the Coordinadora de Feminismos, made up of our comrades from the Frente de Mujeres and the Taller por la Liberación de la Mujer Célica Gómez, carried out an important march that mobilized some 15,000 women who gathered in the different squares and at 7 p.m. marched to Plaza Libertad.

It was a very combative demonstration in which the majority of the participants were young women and they had criteria such as the mouth cover and the spider's web that allowed them to keep their distance, until they were able to do so. The right wing roared in the mass media, a good sign.

Also very important was the 24-hour general strike of women, carried out by 10 trade unions, teachers, commerce, energy, cab and other workers.

(translated with deepL)

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