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Uphold the martyrdom of comrades Sivaram and Sharmista, shining examples of self-sacrifice and dedication to revolution!

by CPI/ML Red Star/ICOR Main Coordinator Monika Gärtner-Engel


The departure of comrades Sivaram and Sharmistha, PB members of the party at the prime phase of their revolutionary career is a great loss to the entire revolutionary movement. They has all round excellence in all fields and inspired all those who came in acquaintance with them. Still comrades and people who worked with them are organizing memorial meetings in different forms. Itwill continue as even after their martyrdom more and more people are getting inspired by their contributions in different fields. The memorial meeting organized by the WB state committee of the party in memory of com. Sharmistha and publication of a compilation of a part of her articles on 3rd October at Kolkatta attracted large numer of party members and supporters and addressed by leading comrades of the party as well as other organizations.

In Bhubaneswar, the members of the Basti Suraksha Manch and trade unions collected money to install his statue in front of Inquilab Bhavan, the headquarters of party, BSM and TUCI in Odisha on 28th November, six months after his departure. Tens of thousands of BSM and workers along with party comrades from all over the state, the central party leadership and leaders of numerous other friendly organizations participating in the program. Red Salute to our beloved departed comrades Sivaram and Sharmistha.




Members CPI/ML CC at the inauguration


Message of greeting to the inauguration ceremony for a statue of comrade Sivaram

Dear residents of the residential area in Bubaneshwar, dear Pramila, dear Sonu, dear comrades of the TUCI and the CPI(ML) Red Star

As the main coordinator I convey to you warmest greetings of solidarity from the revolutionary world organization ICOR.

In this district, not far from this place where his statue is placed, a delegation of ICOR could visit you in 2011 and experience a very interesting guided tour of comrade Sivaram through his district. Sivaram was with all his heart one of you, dedicated all his strength, his visions and ideas to the struggle for a liberated society without exploitation and oppression and the building of the revolutionary party CPI(ML) Red Star.

His death is also an indictment of imperialism and its treatment of the health and lives of the masses. The fascist Modi government with its negligent health policies that led to India becoming the epicenter of the pandemic in 2021 are partly responsible for his death.

In my greeting message for the Memorial Meeting on June 5, 2021, I said:

Sivaram had no official function in the ICOR – but he was "typical ICOR." He was a valuable fighter and enthusiastic and enthusing mass leader and he was capable of principled cooperation with a broad spectrum of recolutionaries and democrats - and so he will remain in our hearts. When comrades from Germany visited right after founding the ICOR, in everything he did, he captured the essence of ICOR from the very beginning, always saying "we are one organization now". (Contribution of ICOR Main Coordinator Monika Gärtner-Engel for the Memorial Meeting for Comrade Sivaram on 5 June 2021)

Dear friends, with your memorial site you create a place where we particularly can remember Sivaram, a place where also fighters and revolutionaries from all over the world, when they visit India, can remember him. Just as we always remember Comrade Sharmista, who died as a result of COVID 19, with great esteem. They are both in the hearts of the ICOR organizations.

Dear friends, you can be sure, ICOR will work in the spirit of Sivaram and Sharmista in all its fields of work, in the mobilization of youth and women, in the struggles of workers and peasants, in the environmental struggle, in the struggle against fascism and war.

Red Salute


Monika Gärtner-Engel

ICOR Main Coordinator

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