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Updates from CPI (ML) Red Star February 2021

CPI(ML) Red Star, February, 2021


  1. Revolutionary Greetings To The Farmers Who Organized The Mighty Rally In Delhi!


Delhi Police And Those Criminal Elements Who Infiltrated In The Rally Are Responsible For The Violence!

Do Not Allow Modi Government, RSS Parivar And Godi Media To Divert Attention From The Central Issue, Repeal Of Three Farm Acts, To Vandalism, For Which They Are Responsible!

Rally In Support Of Repeal Of The Three Farm Acts And The Farmers’ Struggle Till It Is Achieved!


CPI(ML) Red Star extends revolutionary greetings to the hundreds of thousands of farmers and supporters who organized a mighty rally along with thousands of tractors through the streets of Delhi reiterating their demand for repeal the 3 farm laws for corporatization of agriculture.

Earlier, after the Supreme Court asked the Delhi police to take decision on allowing the rally, the Delhi police and central home ministry under Amit Shaw were consciously creating confusion, repeating that permission will not be allowed either inside Delhi or through the outer ring road, forcing the Kisan Sangharsh Morcha  to declare that whether permission is given or not they will organize the rally. It was at this stage, Delhi police came forward announcing permission for the rally and through mutual discussion three routes were agreed upon. The KSM and AIKSCC leaders made all arrangements accordingly.

But from 26th morning the police tried to create problems by not removing the barricades as agreed upon; instead they strengthened the barricades in the night and erected numerous other barricades on the way. Enraged by it the farmers who had endured all difficulties for last 61 days in the bitter cold conditions during which more than 150 of their comrades became martyrs, decided to break the barricades and march in to Delhi.

By 9.30 they broke the barricades at Singhu, Tikri and Gazipur borders and started the march with the farmers on foot in the front and tractors next. But the police and other security wings created provocations lathi charging and firing tear gas shells on the farmers near Azadpur by-pass and Nangloi, and killing a farmer in police firing near ITO. Along with this some criminal elements infiltrated the rally and tried to create disturbances allegedly with the knowledge of police and RSS parivar.

Because of these disturbances some of the farmers were provoked, forcing them to march up to ITO, Red Fort and some other spots in the city. Utilising these  incidents the spoke persons of Modi government, RSS parivar and Godi media have started malicious propaganda that farmers resorted to vandalism, diverting attention from the fact that in spite of the participation of so many lakhs of people, vast majority of them maintained discipline as instructed by their leaders, and it was the provocation from the police and the acts of the criminal infiltrators responsible for whatever disturbances happened.

There is a conscious effort by these forces and Amit Shah to use these disturbances in order to divert attention from the central demand of the many lakhs of people who rallied in Delhi and the many more lakhs who rallied in Mumbai, Kolkata and other centers calling for repeal of the three farm laws for corporatization of agriculture.

We appeal to the working class, all oppressed classes and sections of people to reject this conspiracy of the corporate fascist Modi government to malign the farmers movement against corporatization and to firmly stand behind the demand of the farmers for the repeal of these farm laws with the slogans given above.


KN Ramachandran

General Secretary

CPI(ML) Red Star

26 January, 2021



  1. Modi Rule Violates All Federal Values 3in the Constitution


Modi Rule, issued the Ordinance putting forward the three Farm Acts for corporatization of agriculture without even consulting with the state governments even when agriculture is a state subject under the Constitution. Same was done in the education sector, which was a state subject now turned in to a concurrent subject, while enacting the NEP 2020. Now, according to latest reports, it has launched a witch hunt against the so-called Khalistani supporters among the struggling farmers from Punjab. Not only the struggling forces, leaders of Akali Dal, BJP’s long time ally till a few days back, have severely condemn this heinous move to alienate the Punjabi masses also.

Earlier starting with the abrogation of the Article 370 and reducing J&K state in to two Union Territories, along with suppression of all political forces except BJP in these UTs, Modi-Shah have totally alienated the J&K people from India. The dangerous divide and destroy policies pursued in the Northeast also have led to alienation of all nationalities/ethnicities in the region even when BJP governments are imposed there by forces, money power and using military power.

In short, within six years Modi has succeeded to weaken the unity of the different nationalities/peoples of India achieved through the anti-imperialist freedom struggle of the people, in which RSS had no part; On the contrary, it was serving the British colonialists to suppress the movement, and finally to divide the country communally. Now even when the Sanghis condemn all those who oppose him as ‘tukde-tukde gangs, it is actually the RSS/BJP, through Modi government creating conditions very fast to make the country tukda-tukda. This criminal anti-national work of the corporate fascist Modi rule should be exposed and defeated. 



  1. Modi Treats Struggling Farmers’ With Contempt; Discussions Made a Farce!

As was expected, discussion of leaders of farmers’ organizations and the government team on 8th January also ended without any decision; the government has proposed another discussion on 15th January, after the expected 11th January orders on various petitions linked to it by the  Supreme Court. The 8th January, 8th round of talks had become redundant after the Agricultural minister who leads the government team, had claimed that majority of the farmers ‘approve the 3 Farm Acts’; so no question of repealing them, and that the govt is ready to discuss only on the amendments, if any put forward by the farm organizations. As from the first meeting itself the leadership of the AIKSCC had made it clear that they are not ready to discuss only on the modalities to repeal the three Acts, after a heated discussion the meeting was postponed to 15th. It shows that that government wants to put pressure on the struggling organizations by managing a positive order from the SC in its favor. Still, if the struggle is carried forward, suppress the movement. The battle lines are clearly drawn. It was clear from their comments.

In this situation, the AIKSCC has called for mobilization of an ever-increasing stream of farmers and supporters at Delhi. All the sheds damaged in the rains are repaired, and new ones capable of resisting rain-fall are constructed for a long stay. From Punjab and Haryana, every family is asked to send one or two volunteers for 26th January rally in Delhi. Mobilization is started for all the struggle points around Delhi from other states of central and north-north eastern region. As a part of it,

In this situation, CPI(ML) Red Star has called on all Party Committees to unite with all forces opposed to the 3 Farm Acts and 4 Labour Codes and to give attention to following points:

  1. The Modi rule has decided to go ahead with the three black Farm Acts for corporatization of the agriculture sector also, destroying the food security and PDS system also. So the AIKSCC has decided to intensify the ‘do or die’ struggle to get the 3 Acts repealed.. At any cost, the farmers and supporters mobilized at the seven points including Singhu and Tikri borders shall break the barricades and start marching to Delhi centre with their tractors.

  1. As part of this preparation, AIKSCC has called for burning the three Acts on 13th January at as many areas as possible. Now, the central TUCs as well as TUCI as all TUCs have called for joining this with the call for burning the 3 Farm Acts and 4 Labour Codes, demanding the repeal of all. Let us join this actively and party and class/mass organizations should take part with full strength to make this campaign a great success.

  1. Based on the call of AIKSCC, our party has decided to contact all non-BJP forces and make the Raj Bhavan march on 23rd January, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Day. Adding to this, our party had called for developing this program as a Gherao of Raj Bhavans, starting with the march on continuing the mobilization round it till 26th when the Delhi Mach is planned. Now the AIKSCC and all central TUCs have called for mobilizations reaching the state capitals on 24th, 25th and 26th and rallies and protests followed by massive rally on 26th January in support of the demands of the peasantry and workers. Discuss with all non-BJP forces and plan these programs collectively. Our state committees and CC members should take initiative without waiting for others. Strive hard to make these programs successful. Be prepared for follow up action if the fascist Modi rule resorts to bloody suppression of the Delhi march or if it is not repealing these Acts and Codes even after these people’s movements.

Meanwhile, students and youth comrades should be encouraged to come to Delhi so that they can go to different borders where the blockade is taking place and see for themselves how militant is the atmosphere. It will be a good learning experience for them. They should collect money from their teachers and other well-wishers, and come in teams, better not alone. Give it urgency and priority. Cultural troupes or comrades knowing singing also should be encouraged and helped to come to Delhi. All class/mass organizations should take it up as an important responsibility.



  1. Trade Unions Joint Statement in Support of Farmers' Struggle


26th January is a day to remember our Constitution. It is not perfect – none can be. But it does guarantee social, economic and political justice – equality of status and opportunity. The Directive Principles which are meant to be the basis of all legislative and executive action say that :

The State shall aim for securing right to an adequate means of livelihood for all citizens,

The State should work to prevent concentration of wealth and means of production in a few hands, and try to ensure that ownership and control of the material resources is distributed to best serve the common good,

The State should also ensure living wage and proper working conditions for workers, with full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural activitie,

The State shall take steps to promote their participation in management of industrial undertakings per,

Today, with the new labour codes, the new farm laws and the electricity act, the present government is trying to subvert these very principles of the constitution. They are removing the basic protections being guaranteed to the people in the constitution. The labour codes seek to make the workers permanently temporary. They remove and reduce protections given to contract workers, to workers against lay-off, retrenchment and closure and seek to break the unions of the workers. On the other hand, the new farm laws remove the protection given to the farmers against the uncertainties inherent in their occupation. In both cases the laws which seek to promote “freedom to contract” actually mean that the big corporates will be allowed to impose whatever contracts they seek upon the poor workers and farmers. The electricity act is also trying to impose “free contracts” where poor consumers will be forced to buy electricity at whatever price the big corporates choose to sell it at.

This Government is not trying to secure an adequate means of livelihood for the people. It is not trying to stop the concentrtion of wealth – in fact it is pimping for the big corporations which are concentrating wealth as never before. The disparity in the country between rich and poor is bigger than ever before with the top 1% getting almost 80% of the new wealth created every year. These laws will never allow the workers to have proper working conditions and a living wage as their employment becomes temporary and they cannot organise. Workers participation in management at an equal level with the capitalist is a mere dead letter on the pages of this constitituion. In fact, by opening up our country to exploitation by big international corporates, our very sovereignty is at stake.

The pomp and pagentary that we will see in the official parades this year is only a cover-up for the the filth and squalor which this government is spreading. That is why after the official republic day parade, the workers and farmers will have their own parades in all state capitals of the country. We respect the Indian Constitutionm precisely for the above values which it inculcates. We call upon all workers, farmers and indeed all citizens who believe in these values to come to take part in this genuine republic day parade on 26th January. Our independence from Britain was not won without a struggle. Our constitution was not won without a struggle. We cannot protect the basic values of democracy and sovereignty without a struggle.

Long live the struggle of the Indian people for Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!

Long live the unity of workers and farmers!

Citizen – which side are you on?

TUCI, AICCTU, NTUI, Mazdoor Sahayog Kendra, Karnataka Shramik Shakti, Gramin Mazdoor Union (Bihar), Jan Sangharsh Manch (Harayana), Inquilabi Mazdoor Kendra, SWCC





  1. Dr. Dwarkanath Shantaram Kotnis


Remembering Dr. DS Kotnis (1910-1942), an eminent surgeon, outstanding internationalist fighter against fascism, and an enduring symbol of India- China friendship, when people entered the New Year with hopes of peace, and relief from the disease (covid-19), we recall an event of December 30, 1942. Given here is a copy of an elegy hung in a memorial meeting hall in China on that day. It was held to pay tributes to Dr. Kotnis who had died on 9th December 1942.The banner was in Mao Zedong’s own handwriting specially sent for the event.....

 ”Dr. Kotnis, our Indian friend, came to China from afar to assist us in our War of Resistance. He worked for five years in Yan’an and North China, giving medical treatment to our wounded soldiers and died of illness owing to constant overwork. The army has lost a helping hand, and the nation lost a friend. Let us always bear in mind his international spirit.” More than two crore Chinese people, including thousands of military leaders, died in the anti-fascist war. Kotnis was not a big leader either but Mao had specially sent that warm note of tribute  to the “Indian friend” for his “international spirit.”

China then, as also now, greatly valued Kotnis and friendship with India, as seen below: Zhou en-lai, who was to become China’s Premier later, had said: “ Dr. Kotnis is a symbol of friendship between the great Chinese and Indian nations and a shining example of the Indian people, who are taking an active part in our common struggles against Japanese militarism and world fascism. His name will live forever in the hearts of the two great nations to whom he dedicated his life.”  Another prominent Chinese leader, Madame Sun Yat-sen, paid her respects to the revered doctor by saying, “His memory belongs not only to your people and ours but to the noble roll-call of fighters for the freedom and progress of all mankind. The future will honour him even more than the present because it was for the future that he struggled.”

A bronze statue of  Kotnis was formally unveiled in China in Sep 2020, even while the LAC stand-off was the staple news in India.  China on 2020 October 11 commemorated the 110th birth anniversary of Kotnis, who served in China during the Chinese revolution headed by Mao Zedong and the World War II, and saved hundreds of lives. The events were largely ignored by the India media. Remembering  physician  Kotnis acquires importance in India at a time when the medical profession is being gripped by commerce and corporates  fleecing people as well as younger doctors, when jingoism dominates the India media, and when the  present dispensation in Delhi is out to dump this anti-fascist legacy in favor of an alliance with world imperialism,  reaction and fascism, as against China.

 It was exactly three years ago, in a rare gesture, China restored the handwritten calligraphic condolence message that was sent by Mao Zedong to the family of Kotnis. The restored message was handed over to the Solapur museum in 2017 January, Times of India reported.  The document, which has been penned in traditional Mandarin using a special ink, is about 3-ft long and has been made from traditional rice paper. The restoration work by Chinese experts took nearly two weeks.  Explaining the importance of the document, Zheng Xiyuan, consul-general of China in Mumbai said: “The calligraphy artefact sent by Chairman Mao is priceless and shows the historical friendship between the two countries and the regard for Dr Kotnis. (TNN , Jan 8, 2017). Ke Dihua, the Chinese name of kotnis, is a “household name in China”, reported Xinhua 2020-08-24, more than six decades after his death.

70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India: It may be recalled  that Modi and Xi in their Chennai summit had agreed to celebrate the occasion with year-long events. PM Modi had said, that the  Mahabalipuram  summit (Oct 11-12, 2019) had begun “a New Era of Cooperation between the two countries”. Modi  had famously said, about his summit with Xi Jinping: “We have decided that we would prudently manage our differences without letting them turn into disputes, that we would be sensitive to each other’s’ concerns, and that our relations strive towards world peace and stability.” “The  two sides decided to designate 2020 as year of India-China Cultural and People-to-people Exchanges” and to deepen all-sided relations, Modi had said. 

But it was all forgotten and instead replaced by a hate-China campaign in the Indian media, aided and abetted by Trump and US agencies including its media, and fueled by India’s own hawks.  It is of course only one type of hate campaign the Sangh parivar indulges in, and the Modi regime winks at. Is this the Indian culture and civilization they seek to project? They, including BJP Ministers, rather represent the fascist Hindutva mindset, did not hesitate to call agitating farmers Khalistanis and bracketed them with Left wing extremists. When it boomeranged, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, as part of double talk, said it was not proper to call them that way.

(Dr Bapuji M, January 9, Countercurrents)




  1. Modi’s 2021-22 Budget: Biggest-ever Sell-out under the Camouflage of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Budget’!

As we pointed out in our Comment two days back on the Economic Survey that it is only a “prelude to the biggest sell-outs in the forthcoming budget”, Modi regime’s Budget 2021-22, in tune with its far-right orientation, has gone ahead further with its corporate-fascist mission with respect to the economy. The Finance Minister in her introduction to the budget itself has started with the post-truth statement that India withstood even as the COVID-battered world economy was going down. This is a travesty of reality since both global and domestic statistics have already acknowledged the unprecedented, record economic collapse that India faced during 2020 and which is still continuing.

Coming to the Budget that envisages an expenditure of Rs. 35 lakh crore for which the government, in the absence of any worthwhile domestic resource mobilisation, has to depend on a massive and unprecedented borrowing of Rs. 12 lakh crore (36 % of the budgeted expenditure) during 2021-22, even as there is no dearth on the rhetoric on doubling agricultural incomes, employment generation, emphasis on health sector, etc. An alarming 28 % of the entire outlay is set apart for interest payments (20%, or Rs. 7 lakh crore) and defence (8%, around Rs. 2.8 lakh crore), quite unprecedented in budget history. Even for the government’s day-to-day functioning for the remaining two months, February and March of the 2020-21 fiscal, as laid down in the budget, the government has to take an immediate loan of Rs. 80000 crore from the open debt market controlled by corporate financiers, both Indian and foreign.

At a time when vast majority of the toiling people are struggling to make both ends meet, around three quarters of the additional income generated is gobbled up by one percentage superrich, as per latest international reports. However, the share of corporate tax in the revenue receipts envisaged in the budget is only 13 % on account of 15 % corporate tax rate (world’s lowest-ever) prevailing in India. Therefore, the task of infrastructure investment is completely privatised and handed over to the money-spinning corporate financiers. Thus railways, national highways, ports, airports, electricity and all other social overheads are systematically sold out to corporate capital on PPP scheme under the cover of Atmanirbhar Bharat. And whatever investments by the government will be through ‘debt-financing mode’, that’s on borrowed money, an indirect way of sell-out to corporates.

Revealingly, the biggest highway, metro and corridor projects announced in the budget are distributed among the poll-bound states, namely, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and West Bengal (investments worth Rs.1.03 lakh crore, Rs. 65000 crore, and Rs. 25000 crore respectively), thereby once again using budget as a tool for catching votes. At the same time, the budget has announced the biggest disinvestment (Rs. 1.75 lakh crores) of PSUs, with the privatisation of Air India to be completed by 2022. FDI in insurance sector is increased to 74 % while full tax exemption is promised for foreign investment, and a major part of the debt-financing of infrastructure will by depending on FIIs or speculative foreign capital for which a Development Finance Institution is also envisaged.

When the historic farmers’ agitation against the three draconian Farm Laws are strengthening day by day in spite of all conspiracies and suppressionn, to divert people’s attention from the core issue, the budget has repeatedly announced government’s intention of doubling peasants’ income-a promise made by Modi in his 2014 election campaign. Without mentioning anything about the Swaminathan Commission Report, the budget proposes that MSP will be one-and-a-half times that of agricultural cost, including a hollow statement on strengthening APMCs. But the budget cunningly refrain from making any comment on repeal of Farm Laws or on one of farmers’ basic demands to make MSP a law instead of a discretionary announcement by the government. It is repetition of the same approach already displayed in the Economic Survey, and it is like putting salt on farmers’ wounds.

At a time when India is going through the biggest-ever economic downturn in its history, and as the informal sectors where more than 90 % of the people depend for sustenance are already in collapse on account of Modi’s corporate-fascistic moves such as demonetisation, GST, the lockdown imposed in the most unscientific way and above all the biggest loot through petrol-diesel price-hike, except the usual window-dressing, nothing substantial worthy of even mentioning is there in the budget for the common people. As a testimony to the wholehearted support from the superrich sections, when the budget speech started, the Sensex galloped by 3.5 %. As well-meaning economists and concerned people have already said, the crisis is going to intensify further after this budget. It is high time that all the struggling people, the workers, peasants and all toiling and oppressed masses should rise up, resist and defeat the fascist manoeuvres of Modi and his imperialist-corporate chieftains.

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