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Unity of action Commune de Paris at May 1 demonstration Paris

Unity of action Commune de Paris, 1 May 2021


Comrades from Paris report: Many many people were at the May Day demonstration, there was a great need was felt to take to the streets. The for many management of the Corona crisis, impoverishment, and the further the further dismantling of fought for social rights gave reason enough! Attracting was the state of our unity of action in the campaign for the Paris Commune: it is not enough to be anti-capitalist. We need a positive program that makes itself heard. For this the Revolutionaries must unite. Communism must be on the on the agenda. We invited to our political walk on Montmartre on the topic "The Women of the Commune and the Struggle of Women today" and of course to the weekend with the ICOR at the end of May in Paris "The Lessons of the Paris Commune for our Struggles Today."

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