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You are here: Home / 2021 / There is no legitimacy above the legitimacy of the will of the masses – President Kais Saied's Decisions: A Step Forward

There is no legitimacy above the legitimacy of the will of the masses – President Kais Saied's Decisions: A Step Forward

Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party (PPDS) (LAND, LIBERTY, PATRIOTIC DIGNITY) Tunisia on July 26th, 2021


Following the people’s offensive and uprising that has swept all the regions and areas yesterday 25th of July reflecting our people’s outrage on decades of tyranny and corruption and loss of individual and patriotic dignity, and denouncing the gloomy decade of reactionary proxy imperialist “Al-Nahdha” reign and kidnapping of the revolutionary process, pushing the head of state to hear its thunder and to concretize it into daring political decisions that are mainly about freezing the Parliament, suspending the parliamentary immunity of its members, dismissing the government, and taking over the executive branch and the responsibilities of Public Prosecution, etc.,

The Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party is thereby interested in declaring:

  • Its high salutations of this mass popular offensive and uprising against the stratum of corruption, reactionary and proxy imperialism, ensuring its powerful political and in field support of it.

  • It underlines its support for the courageous presidential decisions that respond to the will of the people and against his enemies from the reactionary proxy imperialist right.

  • It calls on party activists and the people masses to make good use of the moment with more field mobilization and relentless struggle to fuel and escalate the social movement in the direction of demolishing the pillars of the proxy imperialism and corruption system.

  • Calls on the progressive patriotic forces to raise the level of political coordination, field struggle, mobilization and more accumulation on the path of the common goal, which is national and social liberation


For the Political Bureau

Secretary General: Nouri Bettoumi

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