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Solidarity with George Ibrahim Abdallah

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by PPDS-Tunisia, UC and UPML-France, MMLPL-Morocco), October 2021


For more than 38 years, George Ibrahim Abdallah, the revolutionary militant and great figure of Lebanese and Palestinian resistance is arbitrarily kept detained in France although he finished his prison sentence a long time ago.

The 4th ICOR world conference:

  1. Denounces the wrongful, unlawful, and arbitrary detention of comrade George Ibrahim Abdallah.

  2. Demands the immediate unconditional release of the detained comrade.

  3. Calls upon all ICOR member organizations and revolutionaries all over the world to struggle for the release of George Ibrahim Abdallah and support the solidarity committees and organize an international solidarity day with G. I. A .

Free George Ibrahim Abdallah !

End this arbitrary and unlawful detention !

Down with Imperialism !

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