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Solidarity greetings to the striking miners in Bosnia

European Coordinators, 03 Dec. 2021



PR Bosnia and Herzegovina

with the request to forward this message


Solidarity greetings to the striking miners in Bosnia


To all struggling miners of the state-owned mining company Elektroprivreda and their families;

To the Independent Trade Union of Mine Workers of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dear colleagues,


On behalf of the European Coordination of ICOR we send you our warm and solidarity greetings on the occasion of your strike. It is an impertinence when the mining company Elektroprivreda BiH wants to cut your wages by 25 percent. Your struggle has great support from the people. On the contrary, the government is abandoning you and sabotaging the national solidarity by trying to stop buses with supporters of the miners on their way to Sarajevo.


We have great respect for your attitude: "We will not stop the protests until the demands are met". Your demands for the introduction of a minimum wage of 1,000 KM (approx. 500 Euros) in the mining sector; job security and safety at work; no empty promises; abolition of the controversial regulations on salaries and work performance! Removal of the general director of Elektroprivreda BiH, Admir Andelija, and of the director for the mines are all fully justified!


ICOR – the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations - is a worldwide union with currently 62 member organisations, also in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The cooperation in ICOR means the obligation to organise internationally the solidarity with workers' strikes, people's struggles, rebellion, hunger revolts and revolutions. We will therefore publicise your courageous strike within ICOR, publish it on the homepage and advertise internationally for further solidarity.


Long live International Solidarity! For a future of the workers - in freedom, democracy - socialism - Good luck!


Jeroen Toussaint & Joachim Griesbaum; European Coordinators of ICOR


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