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You are here: Home / 2021 / Saturday, September 4: Webinar - Transnational Struggles and Revolutionary Ferment in Latin America

Saturday, September 4: Webinar - Transnational Struggles and Revolutionary Ferment in Latin America

ICOR, 3 september 3021



Dear comrades,
On Saturday, September 4, our webinar on transnational struggles and revolutionary ferment in Latin America will take place. So far we have registered for the panel: Ricardo Cohen, Uruguay, Eusebio Martel, Peru and Monika Gärtner-Engel, ICOR main coordinator. I am sending you the link today to participate in the webinar:

Link to the Webinar

The webinar will start at:
Rio de Janeiro: 9 am   
Berlin, Paris: 2 pm
Tunis: 1 pm
Moscow: 3 pm
Delhi: 5:30 pm
Dhaka: 6 pm   
Sydney: 10 pm
Warm and solidarity greetings,
Jan, Office Team.

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