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You are here: Home / 2021 / Saturday June 26th, ICOR Webinar: Fight Corona – Defend Freedom Rights!

Saturday June 26th, ICOR Webinar: Fight Corona – Defend Freedom Rights!

ICOR Webinar, Juni 2021


With on the initiative of the Indian comrades of the CPI-ML (RS) the next ICOR webinar on June 26, 2021 is dedicated to the worldwide Corona pandemic and the necessary coordinated fight against it.
A contribution by a physician and co-author of the book "Covid-19 - Novel, Dangerous, Defeatable" has been requested.
The webinar is a part of the clarification process about the pandemic and the necessary conclusions. Necessary is also the struggle against the rulers using the Corona pandemic to further suppress the struggle of the workers and the broad masses. We are very pleased that Boulbeba Makhlouf of "Health for the People" from Tunisia has come forward for the panel.

Translated with (free version)



Saturday, June 26

Rio de Janeiro: 9 am

Berlin, Paris: 2 pm (14 Uhr)

Tunis: 1 pm

Moskau: 3 pm

Delhi: 5:30 pm

Dhaka: 6 pm

Sydney: 10 pm

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