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Repressive solutions, face of the economic and social crises in North Africa

By Abdesselam Adib


The economic and political crises are deepening locally and across the world due to the repercussions of the crisis of the collapse of the capitalist rate of profit and the right-wing fascist policies imposed in order to circumvent it, whether through coups d’états that occur, as occurred in, Egypt, Tunisia or in Sudan recently, or through imposing extreme right-wing authoritarian political hegemony as is the case in Morocco and Algeria, where waves of voluntary inflation are unleashed that strike in the depth the purchasing power of the working class with the continuous dismantling of public services, which leads to more looting of surplus value as partial compensation for the huge indebtedness, which was resorted to under the pretext of addressing the health crisis of Covid 19.

In this context, the social situation in Morocco and in the rest of North African countries is known to be boiling hot, as it is represented in continuous processes of labor struggles and popular protests over social issues such as inclusion in the public office for teachers who are forced to contract in Morocco, and in the face of the expropriation of the lands of poor peasants in many rural areas, With the increasing voices of the masses demanding the right to education and health in many marginalized areas, the protests of many workers who have been arbitrarily dismissed from their work or as a result of the closure of many businesses continue. According to the Statistics Directorate, the number of businesses that stopped working during the year 2021 reached about 19,000, while about 581,000 workers lost their jobs.

All of this is happening in light of a wave of rising prices due to the massive and successive increases in the prices of basic consumer materials and fuel, and in light of the continued adoption of the same brutal liberal policies that deepen the impact of the crisis of the repercussions of the Corona pandemic on the economic and social conditions of the working class. Thousands of citizens demonstrated in many Moroccan regions and cities in protest against the imposition of the so-called vaccination permit, in stark contrast to the official claim that the vaccine is optional.

In the complete absence of any political answer from the three recently installed bourgeois government parties regarding how to deal with the economic and social crises, we see them persisting in unprecedented repressive policies against the right to demonstrate, protest and freedom of expression, suppressing protest movements everywhere, arresting and prosecuting activists, social media activists and journalists, and restricting, the forces fighting and opposing the adopted policies and arresting a number of activists of protest movements and groups of unemployed people holding degrees in a number of cities.

In light of these conditions, there is an atmosphere of anticipation over what may result from the increasing tensions on the Moroccan-Algerian borders and the two countries' race to more armaments and mutual accusations. Any war that might break out between the two countries with the aim of addressing their internal crises by the two regimes, would it be a disaster for the Moroccan and Algerian peoples, and it would have a direct negative impact on the already tragic conditions of the working class in both countries.

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