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PKK salutes solidarity expressed by parties under ICOR

from ANF News, 22 January 2021

The PKK Foreign Relations Committee welcomes the solidarity of the parties gathered under the umbrella organisation ICOR at a time when “the attacks against our parties have increased”.

The PKK Foreign Relations Committee welcomed the solidarity expressed by the parties gathered under the umbrella organisation ICOR.

In a written statement the PKK said: "Dozens of communist and socialist parties and movements in many countries of the world have issued a joint declaration condemning the policies of attack against the PKK and the war preparations made against our movement and our people in particular in South Kurdistan.”

The statement added: “The umbrella organisation ICOR expressed its solidarity with the PKK and we find it very important especially in a period when many political forces, beginning with the Turkish state, are attacking our party. We greet with respect the solidarity of these parties. We find this solidarity very valuable.”

The statement continued: “The international conspiracy which led to the capture of Leader Ocalan in 1999 is now being updated and its aim is to destroy our Freedom Movement. It is the Turkish state that imposed such an attack first. To achieve its purpose, the Turkish state wants to drive both Kurdish collaborators and the US-led NATO against our Freedom Movement. The KDP's desire to besiege the guerrilla areas in 2020 is not separate from the policies of the US, which put a reward for capture and killing on our leadership on 6 November 2018. Undoubtedly, it is clear that such a conspiracy and liquidation plan will harm all Kurds. Many Kurdish organizations oppose such a policy, seeing that this attack against the PKK will harm all Kurds.”
The PKK underlined that “undoubtedly, the attack on our Party and the freedom struggle we are waging is not only an attack on all democracy forces in the Middle East, but also an attack on the democracy and freedom forces of the world, of which the PKK is an important part. In this respect, the opposition to these plans expressed by the revolutionary democratic forces under the roof of ICOR is a very important revolutionary democratic attitude.

Undoubtedly, the attack on our Party and the freedom struggle we are waging is not only an attack on all democracy forces in the Middle East, but also an attack on the democracy and freedom forces of the world, of which the PKK is an important part . In this respect, the opposition of the revolutionary democratic forces under the roof of ICOR to the attack on our Movement is a very important revolutionary democratic attitude. On the other hand, it is very important to put forward the awareness and attitude that the most damaging to the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people is the deployment of a Kurdish power on another Kurdish power. This attitude is also a concrete indicator of true Kurdish friendship. ICOR's attitude to policies and tendencies that weaken the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom also means that they care about unity among Kurds and the development of solidarity and common struggle between revolutionary movements. We emphasize that we will have the same attitude today, as yesterday, and we wish success to all parties that issued joint statements in their struggle for freedom, democracy and socialism."

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