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Commemoration of the murder of LUMUMBA 60 years ago

ORC, Revolutionary Organization of Congo, 11 January 2021


(Luc Tuymans, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

Sixty years have passed since the assassination of Patrice Emery LUMUMBA on 17 January 1961. He was one of the great leaders of the liberation movement in Africa, who fought unconditionally against colonialism and neocolonialism, two forms of imperialist domination. The physical elimination of P.E. LUMUMBA is part of the strategy of the financial powers, whose aim it is to prevent the African peoples from taking the path of complete liberation from the yoke of capitalist oppression and exploitation. Since the assassination of LUMUMBA, the Congolese people have never given up to this day, despite a very high blood toll of tens of millions of lives. Thanks to Lumumba's teachings, the Congolese people realized that they can only put an end to the plundering of their wealth and to the oppression on the basis of a systematic and organized struggle. In this way, they will succeed in mobilizing their working class, their youth, their women and men in the countryside and in the cities. In this way they will succeed in creating a new social order, capable of defending them and providing them with a dignified life. Therefore, ICOR calls upon the revolutionary and progressive forces all over the world to support the Congolese people in their struggle for liberation and, above all, to help in building a revolutionary party capable of continuing the fighting spirit initiated by Patrice Emery LUMUMBA.

Long live international solidarity!

Long live ICOR!

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