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No to NATO and separatism in Cyprus!

UoC Union of Cypriots, February 2021



15.02.2021 – Located in the center of the region that is the target of imperialism in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus acts as an unsinkable aircraft carrier for NATO.

The Cypriots got rid of the British colonialism in 1960 and established the Republic of Cyprus, which also took part in the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement.

The state with a consociational structure in which Greek-speaking and Turkish-speaking Cypriots’ jointly rule, could only survive for three years because of the imperialists’ instigations on the island.

Due to the danger of a problem between countries that have an interest in Cyprus, such as Turkey and Greece in the middle of the Cold War, and also the risk of the closure of British bases on the island, the United States made sides agree on a partition plan of the island at the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Lisbon in 1971.

According to this plan, the US-backed junta which was already present in Greece would organize a coup in Cyprus, then Turkey would carry out military operations using the pretext of “restoring the constitutional order on the island” and after all these, the separatist and segregationist “federation” thesis would be put forward against the constitutional unitary structure that was seen as a threat to NATO’s military presence on the island.

This plan was completed fully in 1974, and since then the federation, confederation and two-state theses representing the status quo on the island are being talked under the umbrella of the United Nations, with the support of NATO, the European Union and some so-called progressive formations, despite the overwhelming majority of Cypriots who want to protect their unitary state.

As a result of all, on the island in West Asia and North Africa’s most valuable point, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Greece, meaning three NATO armies are deployed.

After the new developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus has come to the attention of other NATO countries with imperialist strategic aims in the region, and France gained the right to use naval and air bases on the island as a result of the pious support it gave to the Republic of Cyprus during this period.

Finally, the United States, which is already known to be using the British bases on the island, is establishing the Cyprus Center for Land, Open-seas, and Port Security (CYCLOPS) and situating a Rapid Response Unit on the island, where it had been applying an arms embargo until recently.

As Union of Cypriots, we once again call on the progressive forces in our country and the world as we continue our vanguard struggle against imperialist ambitions on our homeland.

The unitary Republic of Cyprus with full territorial integrity is the only way to reach a Cyprus free of foreign military bases. The liberation of Cyprus and Cypriots from exploitation is also the only way of liberation of all West Asia and North Africa from imperialism.

We call on all the world’s progressives and anti-imperialists to break away from the fronts that defend separatist and segregationist theses such as federation or two-state in Cyprus, and support the forces struggling for a fully independent Cyprus before it is too late.

Cyprus for Cypriots!
Union of Cypriots – Ένωσις Κυπρίων – Kıbrıslılar Birliği

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