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You are here: Home / 2021 / May 29 and 30 – "Days of the Paris Commune (1871)" in Paris

May 29 and 30 – "Days of the Paris Commune (1871)" in Paris

With ICOR – the program



Dear friends and comrades,

among the numerous activities on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Commune, the highlight will be the weekend of May 29 and 30 in Paris, which we are very much looking forward to!


Health advice: Especially on Saturday there will be activities with many participants. These require a very conscious behaviour and attention to health measures in view of the corona epidemic, which is still strong in France. Many activities will take place outdoors. Physical distance, observance of hygiene rules and masks are essential.

On Sunday, the numbers are more manageable and participation even on that day alone is "worthwhile" for people who need and want to stay away from larger crowds.

Observe the current entry and exit conditions for France and your country of entry.


Here is the programme:

Saturday May 29, 10 am

Fête populaire in honour of the Paris Commune "Vive la Commune!"

The call for a broad unity of action has been signed by more than 80 organisations and also by ICOR. There will be stalls, choirs, orchestra, snack ...

Stall of ICOR and the unity of action "Vive la Commune de 1871" to which the ICOR organisations Unité Communiste and Union Prolétarienne ML belong:

Book table, music, short speeches ...

10am2pm, Place de la République/Paris city centre


Saturday afternoon, 2pm

Demonstration to the Père Lachaise cemetery and commemoration at the "Wall of the Communards", expected participants 5 000 and more.

Block of ICOR and the unity of action with flags, banner on the Paris Commune, short speeches; laying of a flower arrangement.

Departure: Place de la République; 2-5pm


Sunday, May 30, 11 am

ICOR invites to the "Lessons of the Paris Commune of 1871 for our struggles today"

Speech – discussion – culture – book tables – snack

11am–1pm, Rue Voltaire 21 ter, Paris 11th arrondissement – large hall.

If the hall is still closed for Corona reasons, the matinée will also take place in the Place de la République (open air).


Snack, 1–2pm


Sunday afternoon 2pm

Guided tour of Montmartre on the Paris Commune, ca. 2–4pm

- Alternative : individual visit to the Père Lachaise cemetery (which you will probably not see much of the day before); with directions for the visit.



We ask all participants to organise their own stay in Paris. However, please let us know which programme items you will be taking part in, any contributions you may be making, etc.

Mail address:

We can arrange for you to stay in an inexpensive hotel (€62 for 2 persons in a double room, breakfast additional €8/person) or in a private room, which is very limited due to corona conditions.

Catering: Take-away menus can be found everywhere, self-catering in grocery shops which are also open on weekends.


We are looking forward to seeing you !

The unity of action 'Vive la Commune de 1871!"


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